Chater 9: Hostile Takeover

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"I want you to stay Fuli. I don't know what I said that made you leave, but I'm sorry. I feel like I haven't spent time with you in days, and honestly, I miss the nights we spent together. I don't know what I'm trying to say...but please don't go" He moved her face gently to face his, and he smiled his goofy Kion smile. She felt tears begin to form in her eyes, but refused to let Kion see. Kion pulled her into a hug.

"You thought because Vitani was here, that I was going to forget about you?"

"How did you know?"

"How do you think I felt when Azaad was around." His tone seemed to change has he spoke, enough for Fuli to pick up on it. He lets Fuli out of the hug as he turns away and his ears drop.

"What do you mean Kion?"

"Well, you did hang out with him every day and all night, except for patrol. Even when I asked to hang out you kind of...pushed me aside, said you were already hanging out with him." As he spoke, he refused to meet Fuli's gaze, which was extremely rare for the leader.

"Kion, why didn't you say anything? You always smiled and said ok or have fun. Why didn't you say you were upset."

"You seemed happy, Fuli. And who was I to take that away from you. What kind of friend doesn't want their friends to be happy?" Kion's selflessness always overpowered his other character traits. He was always willing to sacrifice his own health and well-being for his friends, and Fuli had so much envy for Kion because of that.

"Kion I...I never knew, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Fuli leaned on Kions shoulder, as the two shared a moment in silence, each not needing to say anything, as the company of the other was more than enough. After a few minutes Kion broke the silence.

" have patrol soon huh?"

""Yes I guess so, and you have more sitting around today." They share a quick laugh before Fuli begins to head towards the lair.

"Fuli wait, come here."

"What is it Kion?" As she turns around, she can see a look in Kion's eyes, one that she's seen before but can't remember where. But before she can say anything, he leans in and kisses her on the check and asks "come back later?" Fuli nods with a slight blush as she turns around heads towards the lair. Kion watches her run until she disappears from his sight, he couldn't help but smile as he turns and heads back up Rafik's tree.

It's been two days since Vitani was helped by Kion. Somehow, Kion convinced Simba to give Vitani a chance. Kion had a lot more charisma then he realized, and when he was in the right state of mind, could basically convince anyone of anything. So although Kion did spend some time with Vitani, he still spent plenty of time with Fuli. As the sun was rising on another day, the guard was gathering at the lair. Although Kion was able to walk again, he still wasn't at full strength and was not allowed to lead.

"Hey Kion, glad you're ok," Says Beshte.

"Thanks Beshte, I wish I could be out there with you guys, sitting around all day is boring."

"Soon Kion, you just need a little patience," replies Beshte. Kion nods and smiles as Bunga enters next.

"Hey Kion, are you already back?"

"Not yet Bunga, but soon."

"Don't worry about it, I can take on any animal the Outland throws at us."

"Guess you're right, have you guys seen Ono or Fuli?" They both shake their head no. Kion thinks to himself, it's not like Fuli or Ono to be late. He starts running possible scenarios through his, trying to stay positive.

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz