The other three people in the dorm immediately looked at Shang Jin as if they saw an alien.

Shang Jin actually took the initiative to participate in such a spoof???

Wen Renxu looked at Ye Zhou even more fervently. Could it be that Ye Zhou had finally captured Shang Jin??

Liu Yutian coughed and said, "Ah Xu, you remember to open the beautifying feature."

Ye Zhou exclaimed, "A big man still beautifies???"

Liu Yutian chuckled, looking at Shang Jin standing to one side holding a blank draft paper as a whiteboard and secretly said: Shang Jin, that light all hit on your face, you certainly don't need to be beautified.

Wen Renxu looked at the screen in his hand and praised, "Shang Jin, you've studied this??"

Shang Jin unconcerned said, "Isn't it just reflecting the light?"

Wen Renxu choked. Why did he always feel that Shang Jin's next sentence would be "Can't even do this kind of thing, still deserve to be a person?"

Liu Yutian used a broadcasting voice and asked Ye Zhou again.

Ye Zhou said with a profound face, "A low-key life doesn't need a reason."

After Wen Renxu uploaded it to the forum, Liu Yutian impatiently opened it to look.

On the whole screen, only Ye Zhou was sitting on the left and Shang Jin standing beside him. Originally without beautifying, the two people already had the highest attractiveness index. After being softened, their temperament became even more unearthly. One changed from his past hopping temper to quiet melancholy. The other's head hung down, "gently" looking at the person next to him.

It really was a pleasing, gentle and beautiful picture.

The problem wasー

Liu Yutian furiously said, "What about me???"

Wen Renxu shrugged and said, "Who cares?"

Liu Yutian bitterly lamented, "It's not easy to have a chance to appear on video. Do you think it's easy for me?"

No one cared about Liu Yutian's sole voice because everyone's attention was all on Ye Zhou and Shang Jin.

2014L: Does the landlord have a HD version!! i want to change the wallpaper!! This picture is simply!!

2042L: Shoot!! All the male gods went to the finance class?? The attractiveness index of the Finance Faculty is too high! In the past, only male god Shang Jin's level was known, didn't expect Ye Zhou also isn't inferior! Sure enough, low-key life doesn't need an explanation?

2061L: Isn't Shang Jin famous for being aloof!! In the end, is the Shang Jin in the video fake, or the Shang Jin I usually see fake???

2083L: The male god isn't aloof at all, but you're not the person he wants to warm (/ω\) What to do, immediately make up 100,000 words!

2100L: The Shang Ye Great Way is good, join the religion to protect the peace~

As a boy who isn't straight, Ye Zhou immediately understood the meaning of these words.

His innocence...seemed to be getting farther away from him...

Ye Zhou frowned at the comments. He looked back at the video at Shang Jin looking down at him and gesturing intimately, matching him while he talked on the side. How he looked, it seemed like a gentle as water picture...

But when he thought of Shang Jin being gentle to him, Ye Zhou instinctively wanted to shudder.

Why did Shang Jin want to look at him??

Ye Zhou thought so and asked.

Shang Jin nonchalantly said, "I saw the pen mark on your face and was thinking of how to use the light to cover it up."

"Then I really have to thank you for your thoughtfulness!" Ye Zhou gritted his teeth and looked at the mirror. Sure enough, there was a deep, black pen mark on his nose. But this kind of thing, if he'd directly told him, he'd clean it off! Did it need his exquisite lighting technology??

Shang Jin very frankly accepted Ye Zhou's thanks. "You're welcome."

Ye Zhou indignantly washed his face clean of the pen mark. The difficult-to-build melancholic handsome guy style was probably spoiled by this eyesore of a pen mark...

Ye Zhou was worrying unnecessarily. After looking at the replies, no one mentioned it, and he was relieved. When he continued to slide down, he suddenly saw a reply.

2222L: So this car was bought together by the eternal first and eternal second? Urgently seeking coordinates!!

Ye Zhou touched the place where he had just washed, and said in his heart: Wasn't it just a car? Why so anxious?

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