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"A little more"
Album: Royalty (2015)
"Y'all come on! Y'all gonna be late!" I yelled up the stairs.

"I'm coming!" Cj said coming down the stairs.

"Where's your sister?" I asked.

He shrugged. "She said she was just gonna walk to school or catch a ride with somebody else."

"Ill talk to her. You need to head out before you be late."

"Alright. Love you mama." He said kissing my cheek and grabbing an apple from the table. "See you later pops."

He and Chris shared a handshake/hug and Chris proceeded into the house.

"Where's Ro?" He asked looking around.

I kissed his lips before speaking. "She's still sleep. I guess she's gonna take a ride with somebody else but I'm about to go talk to her now." I said heading up the stairs.

I knocked on the door and opened it. "Royalty Jeneé."I called.

"I'm tired ma. I been up studying and finishing my project. I can skip breakfast and home room just once." She whined.

"Girl, if you're dad was I'm here to hear you say that Gm he would slap you back to sleep. Get up and get ready for school. You begged to go to public school and we let you, so now you have to deal with the late nights and early mornings. Up." I said with my arms crossed.

She huffed and snatched the covers from her.

"And unless you wanna lose all the air you blowing out, you might wanna relax." I said before closing the door and going back downstairs.

"Goodmorning baby girl." Chris said to Royalty as she came downstairs.

She didn't say anything, she just went in the refrigerator.

I looked at her and waited for her response. But as she closed the refrigerator, she caught a glance at me.

"Hey dad." She rolled her eyes.

"What's the attitude for?" I asked a little irritated. "You act like you the only one who gotta get up early in the morning everyday. You get half days and we gotta work all the day time literally everyday all day. You're the one who insisted on going to public school when we suggested homeschooling. So you be mad at yourself." I fussed.

She didn't say anything she just looked at me with tears forming at the bottom of her eyes.

Chris dropped his head before speaking. "Come on Ro. I'll drop you off."

"What's going on?" He asked looking at her and back at the road.

"I don't know what it is, but mama is always down my damn back. It's always about how she wants me to do good and all this other stuff. I wanted to come to public school because i wanted a normal life. I wanted to interact with normal kids not saditty rich celebrity kids. She keeps pressuring me like I don't go through that already." She explained.

"Look, moms don't really mean no harm by the shit she doing. She just want you to make better decisions than we made. We were going as hell when we had you. She was 17 and she didn't get to finish school. We just want you to do better than us that's all." He shrugged. "I'll talk to her and see if I can get her to ease up a little bit. But you don't worry. I got you." He smiled as they pulled up the front of the school.

She grabbed her book bag and opened the door. "See you later." She said dryly.

Chris excitedly drove home to get back to me so that we can spend some quality time together like we always do when he has to spend majority of the night at the studio. But today I got called in to work and I couldn't make good on our normal routine.

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