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Album: Graffiti (2009)

This is a two part series, this is part one!

The clock ticked and tocked.

Doctor Daniels was getting tired of sitting in silence.

Time was money. His money and he didn't have any to waste.

Doctor Daniels sighed. "Okay, look, I love counseling you two, been counseling you two for years, it's almost like seeing my daughter and my son. But if we're just gonna sit here and not talk we can all go home."

"We're here because we've been having some bad communication. Like really bad." Chris said.


It got quiet, but yn had had enough of him beating around the bush, so she spoke up.

"He cheated, he lied, he's been doing drugs. I can't even begin to name all the shit he's been doing." She said on the verge of tears.

"Drugs?" Dr. Daniels said shocked.

"That's just the tip of the ice berg. He's went as far as to have a baby with another girl. Someone from the law firm. That I work with."

It got so quiet in the room you could hear everyone's thoughts.

Dr. Daniels took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, let's try a different approach. One we've never tried before. Umm...let's try talking one on one. Starting with Chris." He said. "Yn, why don't you have a seat outside and I'll come get you when it's your turn."

Yn grabbed her purse and stood up heading towards the door. As she walked by Chris, he grabbed her hand and Yn snatched her hand out of his quickly.

As the door shut, Chris dropped his head.

"Doc, I don't kn-"

"Chris, Imma be honest with you. I've been knowing you all your life, you're like another son to me, so I can do my job and curse you out at the same time. Boy, you out of your mind?"

Chris couldn't say anything.

"Drugs, Chris? Drugs?!" He semi yelled. "If your dad was here, he would kick your ass. And kill you faster than them drugs would. What are you thinking?"

"I wasn't. I was just...I don't know. Stressed, I didn't think it would be a problem. I mean I can stop when I want."

Dr. Daniels closed his eyes and scuffed. "It's that bad? What is it? Crack? What you on boy?"

"Yeah pop. It's...it's crack." Chris said lowly clenching his jaw.

Dr. Daniels quickly jotted down notes. "You know I gotta have some notes, just cause it's my job." He said writing and shaking his head. "I wanna beat your ass so bad." He said while writing. "You're going to rehab immediately! We're not going to wait for you to get worse, you're going in ASAP! Now a o HT this cheating. What's going on with that?"

Chris sighed. "Okay, it was one night, me and Yn had been arguing pretty bad. It was bad, throwing and breaking dishes, it was bad. I had went out with my cousin and we were just hanging out, kicking it. We had been drinking. I mixed a lot of drinks that night. I ran into an old friend from high school, I was too drunk to go back home so she invited me and Keeis my cousin to stay at her house and I slept with her. I didn't know she worked with my wife until a few weeks after she told me she was pregnant. I didn't tell Yn. But when her water broke she called me to let me know but I ended up leaving my phone at home and when I went back to go get it...." he paused and ran a hand down his face. "Yn had already found out."

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