
(At Scott's house)
"Daniel why are you so tense, come sit. It is our day off, so why don't we make the most of it."
"I'm sorry but I can't rest now, while our enemies are out doing God-knows-what!"
"You're afraid, aren't you?"
"Of course,I'm afraid."
"Not about that, you're afraid Scott would become like him."
"I've know, it's the look in your eyes."
"Speaking of him, I got good and bad news." Says Tom(Scott's uncle) over the TV screen.
"Tom, brother, what's the news."
"Where should I start?"
"Um... The good news."
"OK we have located Zardon."
"Great, where is he?"
"My crew saw him entering a off-grid military vehicle but we were able to follow it to a hidden military base somewhere in the Eastern borderlands of the cliffs."
"OK, what's the bad news then?"
"We were also to uncover he's planning more or less, he's target."
"Go on, what is it?"
"He's after your son, Dah-nuel."
My dad pauses in great fear and surprise.
"Do you know why?" My dad was able to speak out of his 'Coma'.
"No, that was all we were able to get, sorry you had to hear this from me brother, just wanted to give you a heads-up."
"Yeah, thanks Tom."
"I'll let you know when I find anything else."
Transmission ends.
"This is my worst fear come true. Mia, we have to protect Scott from that monster. He could be planning anything and I'm not ready to lose my son yet."


(Somewhere in the forest)
"Hahaha... So you got kicked out of three schools under two semesters. Now that's crazy." Tasha(the waiter from the restaurant) laughs about my story.
"Yeah and my parents won't let me love without it, especially my mum."
"At least, you got parents to take care of you."
"What do you mean, you're an orphan?"
"Yeah. My parents were killed by... Never mind."
"No please tell me."
"You'll think I'm crazy just like the rest of them."
"C'mon, I won't think you're crazy, please."
"Fine but promise me you won't think otherwise of me."
"My parents were killed by aliens when I was just six years old."
"Oh my gosh!"
"I knew you wouldn't believe me..."
"No, the crazy thing is do."
"Hmm... You're different, aren't you Scotty."
"Yeah I guess, what did you call me?"
"Scotty, you don't like it?"
"No, it's good, it's good. I just it wasn't like for sure yet."
"Is this for sure?" She moves closer and gives me a peck on the check.
"Um... Yeah... I... I guess (stammering)


Meanwhile at the army base, Brandon was enlisting the best of them to go for a secretive re-con mission.
"Hey! What are we even going to get, Huh?!" One of the soldiers yelled angrily to him.
"WE are going to get the key to unlock that ship."
"A boy. Yea, right!" The soldier says rolling his eye and how stupid it sounds.
Brandon moves closer to him to check his name tag. "Jones, isn't it?"
"Yea, what's it to ya?". He chuckles to get the attention of his peers.
Brandon grabs his shirt furiously and sends a shiver down their spins on the thought of what Brandon would do to him.
"Look just because you work here with me doesn't mean we are equals, you understand?"
Jones says nothing but stares at Brandon.
"I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" This time taking Jokes off the ground and lets out a small growl.
"Sir yes sir". Jones finally mutters out of breath. Brandon releases him and drops him knees down onto her floor. He turns back to move to his office.
"I hope I don't have to come out there to save your butts."

In the woods, I was with Tasha walking around some trees and talking.
"That's so insane". She says laughing and smiling.
We walk to an opening in the woods. But I stop at a point.
"What is it?" She asks confused.
"I'm having a bad feeling, like something is coming."
"What could it possibly be".
I look around for some moment and take in a quick sniff of the environment, "Phosphonitrate". I gasp recognizing the smell.
"Phosphonitrate, that's the synthetic compound for..."
"Smoke grenades!"
Just then smoke grenades come flying out from different corners of the opening.
"Tasha... Stay... Close... Tasha?!" I say between coughs looking for her. I see her through the smoke on the ground already knocked out.
"Who's there... Show yourself..." A figure walks through the smoke and moves towards me.
"Huh? Looks like lil' ol Braddy was right, you are a tough one." The future who I know find out is a wearing an oxygen mask and U.S. Military uniform.
"Who are you?"
"Son, you can call me the devil." He stabs me with a taser pole in the stomach.
I feel dizzy and fall to the ground.

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