"hey stop laughing" she said then she teasingly smack me which made us two laugh. I really miss the time when I didn't transfer to this school because me and Vanesa would always laugh and do fun things together.

"where is Chanyeol oppa? I thought he was gonna be baby sitting you all here?" Vanesa ask me when we reach the cafeteria.

"it's already been a month Vanesa, so they finished baby sitting us"

"oh ok" she said agreeing to what I said to her.

All eyes are looking at me again while I can hear their loud murmurs again.

"wow, y/n looks so beautiful" I blush when someone said that.

"I heard that she is the daughter of the famous company, you know the top two?" how did they know that? But it wasn't a big problem to me because I wanted them to know who I am.

I got my tray filled with tasty foods while Vanesa got her too. We immediately sit at one of the chairs where no one is seated.

I saw BTS again and they were shockingly staring at me. I immediately blush because of how they look at me.

"y/n, oh my gosh why do you have so many handsome boys in this school?" she ask me looking at BTS which I immediately giggled.

"but you really have to be careful, because some of them are playboys especially BTS."

"BTS? who's that?" Vanesa ask me.

"they are the famous playboys in this schools, they have seven members with is RM, Jin, Suga, J-hope, V, Jungkook, and Jimin" I can see the shock on her eyes when I mention Jimin's name.

"wait, Jimin!? Your seatmate? The one who has a handsome face?" She ask me shock. I guess she really likes Jimin which I giggled.

"yup, you can already tell that he's a playboy because of what you saw this morning. But they don't always act like a playboy, they can sometimes be friendly, and fun" I said which Vanesa immediately calmed while I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"he-hello y/n" I look behind me when I heard someone saying hello.

I look at him and made me realise that its one of the nerds in school. I immediately smiled at him. I look at his hand and see a card filled with a letter. I wonder what that are for.

"hello Dan" I said smiling brightley at him. I can see the shock on his face when I said his name.

"yo-you know me!?" he was smiling shockingly, while saying that.

"yeah, why? I am a nerd so why would I not know your name?" I ask curiously. Why would he think I don't know his name when I am a nerd. This school is getting weirder and weirder.

"didn't you know? You are like one of the most famous person in this school and Vanesa"

I was so shock to hear it from him. Me? Famous? No way. I can't believe it. Me being one of the most famous student in this school. I just can't believe it, how can that happen?

"h-how?" I ask Dan who is still smiling.

"because first of all, you are pretty, smart, attractive, beautiful, kind, sexy, hot, and the daughter of a famous company" I blush when he said all of that. I just can't believe it, me being famous? That's like so impossible, and now it has come true. I am so happy.

I immediately hug Vanesa because of excitement.

"oh, and y-y/n I wonder if you will attend to my birthday the day after tomorrow" he shyly said while giving me the card that is on his hand which made me realise that it's an invitation card. I look at Vanesa if she will agree which she immediately nodded at Dan.

"really!? Yes!!!!! Thank you so so much!!!!! YOU TWO ARE THE BEST SEE YOU AT MY PARTY!!!" Dan shouted which made the whole student want to be invited at his birthday party. Dan immediately gave them their invitation card, I can see the happy face in his face which made me and Vanesa happy.

"I am glad he is happy" Vanesa said which I totally agreed.

I look at the front table then saw BTS staring at me shocked except for Jimin who is staring at me mad. Why is Jimin staring at me mad. I don't know, and I don't care. But why is BTS schocked? Pfft, that's probably nothing.

School was so much fun. A lot of students are becoming my friend which made me really happy. But I am kinda sad because today we will go home. I am gonna miss you school.

"y/n, I have something to tell you" Vanesa broke the silence when she said that.

"what is it?"

"I just owned an apartment, and guess what" she said excitedly. I wonder why she is excited.

"what?" I giggled asking her that.

"it's just a 5 minute walk away from your house!" my eyes open wide when she said that. This day is getting even more better and better. I can't believe we can be neighbours. I promise myself that I will go to her apartment everyday if I have time.

"really!? Yes!! So that means we can be neighbours?" I ask Vanesa waiting for her to answer my question which she immediately nodded.

I went to her and hug her tight. Yes! Me and my bestie are neighbours. Now I won't even miss a single day without her.

We stop hugging each other when I saw Chanyeol oppa approaching us. Why is he here? Chanyeol oppa wave hello at us which we wave back. I saw Jimin approaching us but when he saw us waving at Chanyeol oppa he immediately death glared me and Chanyeol oppa then left. What is wrong with this guy? It's like I did something wrong with him when I didn't.

We approach Chanyeol oppa and ask him what he is doing here.

"here to pick up you guys, I wanna spend time with you two. Lets go hang out"

"sure we would love to oppa" Vanesa said while dragging me into Chanyeol oppa's car. I giggled at her excitement.

Next chapter-

My Own Playboy || JiminXreader ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن