13. "He is Such a Good Boy."

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It was great to have Isabelle with you. You did together pretty much everything and it was like back in the old days, just with the difference that you went to concerts every other day and got backstage as well. The boys treated her quite well, well when not? Tommy's attitude towards her was a bit odd. He became nervous whenever she was around and he hardly said a word.

Currently, you were at a studio where you were helping to set the background up for the new clip 'Too Young to Fall in Love'. You quite loved this song and you were present when they discussed what would be in the video and you must say that it will be pretty badass.

"You can still be in the video if you want." Vince offered and winked.

"I've told you many times that no thanks. I will be okay here." You rejected the offer for the 100th time now, while eating your food.

"If you say so. But you will regret it." He added walking backward, a devilish smile on his face.

"What do you mean? Vince!" You put down your bowl and tried to shout through the now-going music.

"We made a few changes in the intro...girls and all." He turned his back to you and went over to the others. Goddamn it. And if there will be girls? They are constantly around them. These few minutes won't bother you Anyway, trust, as you discussed many times with Mick. You just need to put a believable smile on your face and everything is gonna be alright.

"What is on your mind?" Isabelle asked as she took a seat beside you on one of the tables. "Vinnie told you something?"

"No...well yes. But it's nothing." You didn't know why it bothered you this much. Mick hasn't given you any reason to act like this. You felt dumb and ridiculous.

"Okaaay." She said while scanning your face. "Look, they start now." You fixed your eyes on the boys, especially on Mick and then you saw what Vince was talking about. You immediately relieved since they all wore clothes and did pretty much nothing. At first, you didn't understand these Asian culture things, though Doc made an excellent concept of it.

"Yeah, kick some fucking ass boys!" You shouted while Isabelle whistled. They filmed the scenes three or four times, but there was one particular which was a tough one. In one of the last scenes, when Tommy had to beat down a man when they leave the building. After failing it over and over again, Doc declared a break. You went over to the boys while crossing your path with Tommy who was approaching Isabelle.

"Yo, (Y/N), how did you like it?" Vinnie was grinning like a mad man. You stood in front of him, he in his chair. You stepped closer and smacked his head in the back. You were smiling at him when Nikki burst into laughing and also Mick snickered.

"Hey! Why did you do that?" Vince asked rubbing his head.

"You got it for your little teasing. Anyway, does it matter?" You laughed but stopped when he jumped up from the chair and started to chase you.

"Ahhh! Vinnie, leave me alone!" Mick was just eyeing the both of you when you ran behind him to hide from Vince. You looked over Mick's shoulder to see him.

"Okay, kids, I'm not a playground. Go annoy Nikki!" He muttered trying to relax a bit.

"Mick noo. Please don't be like this. Be happy and enjoy life." You placed a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"Firstly I need to find the will to live then I will enjoy it, too." He stated.

"Ohh, I love you, my grumpy man." You hugged him from the back and managed to earn a chuckle from him. Vince already sat back and was watching you. Mick turned around to face you.

"I thought you would be upset about the video." He said after a few minutes.

"Why would I?" You asked but then realized, still let him finish what he started.

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