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- he likes to keep it simple, he'll hold your hand and give you a small kiss every now and again
- when he see other people looking at you, he'll make sure they know you're taken
- mans makes s u r e they see you kissing him
- we stan a protective boyfriend

- he hangs off of you in public
- you'd think he cant walk on his own, he's always holding onto you, whether it's his arm around your shoulders, holding your hand or clinging onto your arm
- i mean, i personally wouldn't complain about that
- he'll play with the bracelets on your hand if you're talking to someone, out of pure habit.

- y'all keep it v e r y secretive
- in large areas, y'all have to play it safe as people don't know y'all are together
- when y'all are in a safe area, he's a whole new man
- hes kissing you every 2 seconds, holding your hand and whispering cute things in your ear

- wyatt gets really nervous when you guys are in public, purely because he's worried you might leave him for someone else you see.
- he's constantly holding your hand, resting his head on your shoulder and kissing your cheek
- "he's staring at you, i think he likes you, he's really tall. oh no, he has muscles, i'm screwed!"
- you have to reassure him constantly that you won't leave

- y'all have to keep it on the downlow too, mainly because sophia hasn't come out to her parents.
- she'll still hold your hand tho, but discreetly
- "y'know, your hand is really big" "should i be insulted or flattered?"
- she makes sure boys don't speak to you, no matter who they are

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