A / N!!!

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hi everyone! thank you all so so much for the love and support on this book, but i'd just like to say something.

tw // abuse, racism
as most of you know, jack dylan grazer has recently been called out for being an abuser. he abused his ex girlfriend, cylia chasman, her friends came out, saying jack would throw things at her, verbally abuse her by calling her things like a 'slut' along side many more names and many, many other things. he has also been outed as a racist, as many people remember, a month or two ago, jack compared 'whiteface' and blackface, wondering why eddie murphy could do whiteface but white people couldn't do blackface. i am stating this now. i do not condone or support any of jacks actions. this book was wrote may/june of 2020, a whole year before these things were brought up. Until anything is proven false about the abuse allegations, believe the victim, believe cylia. this isn't the first time jack has been accused of abuse. i will not tolerate anyone calling cylia a 'liar' or saying she's 'faking the abuse'. i would rather believe a liar than a possible abuser.

anyways, thank you for all the reads on this!! <3

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