Six: Finally Found

Start from the beginning

That's because I was never 'just a Pokémon' to her. "Where is she?" He asked concerned, he feared that he already knew the answer.

"She ran after them. She's ahead of us." Brock nodded in the direction they were headed.

"I'm sorry, I can't keep pace with you anymore. Time is of the essence. Catch up as soon as you can." Luke said as he ran off as fast as he could.

Luca didn't know this forest very well. She hadn't had the time to explore it much after she moved to the area. She closed her eyes and sent her aura out in search of the dark ones that were out there. She found a gathering just up ahead of her. "Ugh... I wish I had back-up." She said to herself as she continued on. She had left her Pokégear with her bike and had no way to call the EGPD. "Just great." There was no way that she could turn back now. They would get away before she could call for help.

"Where do you think you're going?" Called a voice from right behind the Ranger. "I know what that is on your wrist, Ranger."

Luca spun around to come eye to eye with a yellow haired woman in black. A red R on her top. "It's always you guys. Why, why do I have to keep crossing paths with you guys." She shook her head. "Don't you ever learn?"

"I could ask you the same question. Why even bother trying to stop us? We're not going to give up till we get what we want. There's nothing you can do about it." She crossed her arms with a smug look on her face.

Luca heard it all too late. Before she could turn around she felt this huge pain in the back of her head. As she fell to the ground she caught a glimpse of a male with green hair. Then darkness.

"Enough talking Cassidy. We have a job to do." He walked away annoyed.

"Shut it Butch. You walk like a Tauros. If I hadn't been talkin she would have heard you for sure." Cassidy sulked after him.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." Butch said as he waved his hand arrogantly.

Luke had come across a motorcycle at the edge of the forest. It was blue and black with a helmet sitting on the seat. It was also blue with a black visor, ears that looked just like his were on the top. There is no doubt. Luca has to be in there! Luke closed his eyes and focused on her aura. With the light aura located he navigated the forest as fast as he could in the hope that she would be okay. A limp body on the ground started to come into view. As he grew closer he saw that it was a raven haired woman wearing the same blue and black as the bike and helmet. His blood grew cold as he realized that's exactly where the aura was coming from. "No! Luca!" He shouted as he ran up to her. He fell to his knees and took her hand in his paws. Luke then noticed that there was red liquid under her head. His sense of smell, and memory of many scraped knees past, already told him that it was her blood. She was still breathing but her pulse was a little slow. He sat down and pulled her up onto his lap, gently cradling her head in the crook of his elbow. "Luca, I'm here Luca! I'm so sorry I'm late! Please... speak to me." Luke then took his nose and rubbed her nose.

"If it means that I get to see you again... I'm okay with dying. I'm not happy here without you. Don't make me go back to a world you're not in. I've been so sad. I'm ready to join you Luke. I'm ready to go back home." She spoke telepathically. It was like he was really there holding her. She swore she could really feel their noses touching.

"Don't say that! I'm here Luca! I'm still here in this world! Just open your eyes! I've been so alone without you!" As he spoke, tears rolled down his face and landed on hers.

"Stop, you're getting my face wet... wait... my face is wet...?" She hurt like hell so she knew she wasn't dreaming. She used what strength she had at the moment to force her eyes open. Looking down at her was a face she didn't know, but eyes she could never forget. "Luke? Is that you?"

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