Month Two

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Our free time was spent in the lounge by the window just staring at the stars and stealing glances at one another. I finally had the balls to ask her out. Brave on my behalf since I feared rejection. I thank the stars for not being rejected that night. I was overjoyed, to say the least. She had the guts to lean in and kiss me. Her kisses always held so much emotion. I just don't get how she could love me so fearlessly but never show love for herself. I get mad till this day when one says that, someone can't love fully when they've never known what love truly feels like. I honestly call bullshit because one can love someone else more than they've ever loved themselves and I guess Aliya was a perfect example of loving someone more than they love themselves. 

Aliya held secrets from me and I've always told myself that if she wanted me to know then she would tell me in her own time. I found it weird that she would always wear long-sleeved clothing. It was normal for anyone to wear long-sleeved clothing in winter but it wasn't wintering it was summer. She would randomly wince when Mom Hazel would grip at her wrists but I brushed it off as Mom Hazel gripping too tight. Mom Hazel always had an iron-like grip when reprimanding someone that tried to walk away from her nagging. I did, however, pick up the fact that Aliya would randomly scratch her wrists and thighs. Whilst fooling around in the kitchen and smearing each other with the foam I once gripped on her wrist to stop her and she hissed in pain. I asked her what's wrong but she would always disregard me with a shrug. I did, however, feel the thickness of the bandage under her hoodie and it sparked my suspicion. I suspected that Aliya might be hurting herself. After having a heart to heart with her she revealed the scars on her thighs and wrists. I asked her why as I never understood why she would do that to herself and all she could say is that she wished for a happily ever after. I didn't know what to say as I was flabbergasted and before she could get up and leave I kissed her and uttered the words I could never say out loud. I love you. these were the words I said to let her know that I wasn't gonna leave her. It was a promise to love her regardless.

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