Mulai dari awal

So i just pulled back and moved away from that scene. I needed some alone time, or else my thoughts would overwhelm me and I would breakdown. So i decided to walk and roam around the place. The hall was huge and the entrances that i have seen, was just two of its many entrances. For the first time i started to observe my surroundings, usually i am very good at observation when left alone. I observed that the ceiling was really high up with majestic and beautiful Chandlers hanging from the top.
The walls had rich tapestries and was covered with intricate design filled with reddish golden colours. All the people looked almost businessmen and women, but not all where rich. From the look on people's face , i could tell some of the people where really amateurs, who had just come to this place in hope for meeting a rich businessmen  and signing a good deal. 
You could tell whether someone was renowned or not by the number of people he had surrounding him listening, or by paparazzi who went mad of-course only after rich people.

Right now as i walked towards another opening i heard the paparazzi and media people again going crazy. However this time it looked as if they have actually gone nuts, the paparazzi were sitting and screaming on tops off they lungs, fighting each other's, to gain the best spot for photography. It was so much chaos. Outside the entry, i saw security guards in white uniform talking to one another on walkie talkies clearing everyone from the entry, they were putting barricades infront of the media people who apparently didn't looked happy.
People around me were going crazy whispering to each other, some were really pushing forward trying to breach the security barricades.
"Wow!", i thought to myself, "must be a movie star or a really celebrity,! I wonder who it is that people are going so crazy after!", i said to myself. I took a step back because i hated crowds and people were literally pushing me around to get a better glimpse. I backed off and walked to a much quieter place and selected a spot to sit down which allowed to catch a glimpse of the entrance and was less crowded.
Just after i has said this, 4 cars pulled on the carpet, and the media went crazy. There were screaming and shouting and people stared clicking dozens of pictures. Amidst all those flashes i was able to observe the cars from where i was sitting, I confessed to myself that i am not a big fan of cars , yes i admired my brother's Mercedes but that was it. However the third car in the row was treat to any car lover. It was a jet black convertible Porsche, which looked absolutely Royal in its appearance.
Then the car doors opened and not to the outside but upwards, which had a really nice effect to it. But what came after was something that i had not prepared for, from the third car stepped outside a young man , unlike the passengers of first two cars which were mostly bodyguards i assume. 
He looked young about my bhaiyaan's age dressed in a very expensive immaculate Armani suit. But what i noticed most or what every single girl present in the party would have noticed was his face. He was by far the most handsome and dashing man i have ever seen, that to considering that my brothers were also good looking. He had a fair complexion, with a striking jaw line, and ruffled black hair. The most amazing feature was his eyes, they were light brown in colour, it was so beautiful that you could almost get lost in them. I have never seen anyone with more beautiful eyes. I gazed down as his attire and noticed hire his shirt fitted to his body, and that Armani suit was doing a very poor job in hiding the fact that he surely goes to gym and has an amazing physique.

"Get a control on yourself Shahista!",i said to myself , "you cannot just start checking out strangers in a party where you don't even belong." But i couldn't help myself, this person wasn't just cute like Faruk but was devastating handsome, the kind who breaks every girls heart.
After he had got down from the car, few other cars pulled up, and few more young men about his age got down. Each were very handsome but none could even give him a competition, this was very evident. I noticed that there were few ladies as well, and mostly they were middle aged women. These women unlike my sister in law, hadn't put tons of makeup but they looked really elegant and beautiful in a very royal and intimidating manner.

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