I swear I'm legal, officer

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Arthur was feeling very smug. Once they had reached the snob shoppe ((Which is literally the original term for a shoemaker, crazy I know, but google it, you'll see.)) it had been fairly simple to find a pair of well-fitting boots for each of the boys, the snob's eyes wide as Allistor paid in gold, obviously not what the man was used to.

Arthur was thinking about how wonderful his uncle was when he bumpd into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" He froze as he saw whom he had bumped into, his eyes travelling a few feet upward until they reached the polieman's face, a heavy brooding mask of irritation.

"Out of my way, boy!" Arthur cowered a bit as a hand rose against him and paused as a familiar iron grip grabbed the man's wrist.

"Ye will not lay a hand on my nephew, officer." Arthur stared with wide eyes as his uncle met the man's dark eyes. The officer was at least five centemeteres taller than Allistor, but the fiesty Scot didn't waver in his gaze, Arthur slightly unnerved by the staredown.

"You.... I remember you!" Allistor's face slowly split into a. unrepentant grin.

"I just have one of those faces, it's very common to--" The man cut him off, shaking his head. "Nay, they had your poster in the station for years! You're a bloody pirate!" Allistor scoffed. "Please watch the language in front of the boys, please." The man growled, yanking his wrist from Allistor's grip, though it was obvious that Allistor let him go willingly. "Nay, you're a filthy pirate! You've probably kidnapped these boys!" Arthur panicked slightly as the man went for the pistol in his belt and stepped between them quickly.

"Actually, my good man, we've just recived our Letters of Mark, making us privateers, legally speaking, so if you lay a hand on a single hair on his, my or the frog, here's head, you'll be assualting a member of Her Majesty's Navy, and you can rest assured that charges will be pressed, in that occasion."

He was stared at by both of the men, Allistor's face set in a grin.

"Ah, you're a Kirkland to be proud of, lad! Maybe LaFluer didn't botch up too badly, after all!" The officer only scowled, glancing between Allistor and Arthur. "Then I demand to see your Letters of Mark." Allistor grinned, reaching into a deep pocket in his coat and producing the fold of papers, flicking it out and holding it at eye level to the man, who scowled at the signature on the bottom.

"By God, you're lucky this time. If I ever see your face again, in any sort of suspicious affairs, I'll put an end to you, Allistor Kirkland. On my mother's life." Allistor just smiled warly, folding the papers neatly and tucking them into the safety of his deep pockets. "Well met, Andrew. Come along boys, the tide is coming in, and we'll be off!" He ushered the boys away from the man, waving behind them happily as he hurried them, going even faster than his usual breakneck pace. Arthur had to wonder.

"Uncle, who was he? Why does he want to kill you?" Francis laughed. "More importantly, where did Angelterre get all of his fancy words?" Allistor laughed merrily at the questions as the coast came into sight, along with a cool breeze that carried a scent of salt and fish.

"All in good time, lads. All in good time. Now, we must step lively so's we don't lose valuable time!" He promptly snatched the boys up, one under each arm as he ran down the incline to the docks, both boys laughing as he made a sharp turn, almost falling off the dock as he sprinted for the ramp up to his ship, Arthur getting an eyeful of the scripty 'Queen Anne's Revenge' painted expertly on the side of the ship as they hurtled aboard, Allistor setting the boys down, Arthur noticing that the ship was getting a bit higher every second as Allistor yelled at the top of his lungs, voice carrying over the ship easily.

"All hands, weigh anchor! Secure the mainsails and release the topsails, Ollie to the wheel!" Arthur watched as aside from specific instructions, everything was carried out in exact metholodical order, every man knowing his exact job and how to do it as the ramp was pulled in and stowed away below decks. Arthur started a bit as the ship started moving away from land slowly. He squinted as a group of people came running down the docks, too far away to see clearly, but approaching quickly.

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