Liars never prosper... most of the time

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Ok, here we go, yet another chapter! I think this might end up being a long fanfic, so I'll just make sure that every single chapter is awesome so you don't get bored, kay? ^-^ 

Arthur blinked at his uncle, slightly confused.

"What are we going to do? He belongs to that frog...." Allistor winked mischieviously and waved Arthur up, turning to the policemen. "Oi, lads, how much for you to say I was never here?" the guards exchanged a glance and Arthur waited for them to be charged with attempted bribery.

"Eh, a pound each." Arthur gaped as his uncle nodded. "Worth it. Show me to my coin?" The guards nodded agreeably and Allistor grabbed Arthur's hand, towing the slightly shocked boy behind him as they went to the guard's lounge. Arthur was seated on a comfy chair as the policeman who'd arrested the boy went through a drawer. Arthur was very surprised at what all was handed to his uncle.

A pair of pistols, a long blade, which was promptly slid into Allistor's boot, a heavy-looking coin purse, a small box, which disappeared into a deep pocket of the Scot's coat, and finally a long dagger that was really more of a short sword. Allistor neatly tucked his effects away and thanked the officers as he distributed three pounds to each of them. 

Arthur was a bit flabbergasted. Allistor just grinned, waving the boy along as they were escorted from the police station and deposited onto the front step.

Allistor promptly reached for Arthur, who, out of habit, shied from his hand. Allistor's face darkened a moment before his cheery smile returned. "That's done. Now, which way to that tavern of yours?" Arthur hesitantly pointed and they set out, Allistor whistling the same shanty that he'd been singing the night before. After a moment he broke and glanced at Arthur.

"Sorry we had to meet like that. Usually I don't get caught when I fight, eh? It would've been very bad if I'd gone all the way to court, now...." Arthur looked up at him, green eyes showing his curiosity. Allistor laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry, lad. There's just something that needs to be done while I'm in London, is all."  Arthur nodded slowly, understanding the need for secrets. "Yes, sir." His uncle scoffed, waving a hand.

"Nay, you needn't call me sir, it's uncle or Allistor to you, though once we're on my ship, it's Captain in front of the lads."  Arthur frowned. "Why?"

"You have to keep respect on a ship. Mutiny may be a hangable crime, but there's no way to keep a crew from saying the Captain took sick and died once they get to port, you see, so you've got to be strict, but kind." Arthur nodded slowly. "Right...." Allistor grinned as the tavern came within sight and waved Arthur along. "Come on, I'll race you!" Arthur frowned as his uncle took off running. 

Did this man never row up? What was going on? Arthur's thoughts were interrupted as he was swept up by his uncle.

"Nay! The lad can't run! Such a tragedy!" Arthur laughed as his uncle sprinted for the tavern, setting Arthur down on the front step. Arthur stared at his uncle, who appeared only slightly winded as he opened the door, a grin on his face.

"Oi! Where's that bastard, Pierre?!" Arthur gaped. "Uncle, you can't--" Allistor shook his head and patted the boy's shock of yellow hair peacably. "Nay, I fully intend to find out exactly what's been happening while I've been to sea, lad." Arthur grimaced as Pierre came forward from the back. The bulky man caught sight of him and Arthur could practically feel the hate rolling off him as the man stomped up to him and grabbed him by the shirtfront, shaking him. He stopped, eyes wide, as a blade found it's way to his throat.

"I'll drop you right now if you don't get your damn hands off my nephew, you French cockbiter." Arthur gaped in slight horror as Pierre glared at him, letting go of his shirtfront.

"Boy, you're going to pay for this." Arthur cringed as Allistor growled at the Frenchman.

"Nay, it's you who's going to pay for this. First I want to know who hit my lad, here." Arthur looked between them, wishing he could disappear as Pierre eyed the blade in Allistor's hand. "No idea--" Allistor's hand found it's way to the Frenchman's throat and Arthur remembered the iron grip that the man had on his wrist the previous night as Pierre's eyes bugged out.

"Gah! It was the cook!" Allistor looked at Arthur, polite smile returned to his face, giving the intimidating man a look of childlike innocence, almost.

"That true, lad? Be honest, now. I won't let anyone touch you." Arthur hesitated a moment, his fearful eyes locked with Pierre's hate-filled ones. Those chips of emerald hardened as Arthur spoke.

"He speaks lies. He beat me as well." Allistor snapped his fingers. "See? Not hard at all to find truth when you take out the fear. Now, Pierre, you're going to show me how my nephew's living conditions have been for the past six years. It's six, correct? You're thirteen, now?" Arthur nodded. "Yea, I turn fourteen in two months..." Allistor grinned suddenly. "You look just like your father did, the wiley scoundrel. Now, care to show, LaFluer?" Allistor released the man, a hand resting on his pistol. Arthur realized that the entire tavern had been watching... including Francis and Cook. He shrank in a bit as the French bastard spit at Allistor's feet.

"Fine. Ye heathen." Pierre shot a warning look at Arthur and started for the steps to the inn's guest rooms. Arthur shook his head slowly, still not used to speaking up, but working on it.

"That isn't where I slept." LaFluer shot daggers at him as Allistor put a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Show me, boy." Arthur nodded and grabbed Allistor's hand, partly to lead him and partly to keep him close. Arthur felt safe with him...

Allistor looked around as Arthur pulled him into the kitchen, nimbly reaching and opening the hatch. Allistor's face darkened as he looked up into  he attic. Arthur cleared his throat uncertainly. "And... I was actually evicted from there yesterday, so I live in the shed now..." Allistor gave the boy a pained look and turned to LaFluer, who had followed them into the kitchen and looked about ready to commit murder.

"We were assured that he would learn a trade." Allistor took one slow step towards the man.

"We were assured that he would be cared for." Another step. LaFluer held his ground.

"We were told that he'd be well fed and clothed." This time, LaFluer broke, retreating a step as Allistor approached. Arthur pressed into the corner, afraid of the impending violence that he could feel bubbling up in his uncle. Allistor shook his head in disgust.

"All we wanted was for him to grow up normal. you failed the Kirkland family, LaFluer. You failed us. I don't tolerate failure." He took the last step, closing the distance between them. Lafluer let out an unmanly whimper and Allistor gave him the most serious look Arthur had ever seen.

"I'm taking Arthur, and his little friend Francis. You will not say a word of it to anyone. I am going to take them, and if I ever see you again, I will kill you. If I ever find out that you've treated another human being like you're treated my nephew, I'll kill you. Do you understand me?" LaFluer nodded, eyes wide and Allistor's face burst into a smile and he clapped him on the shoulder. "If we understand each other, then there's no problem." Arthur had come to a conclusion.

His uncle was insane.

Allistor turned to him, the childish gleam of joy back in his eyes as he smiled. "Collect your little friend, lad. We're leaving." Arthur nodded quickly and moved to the door, finding Francis standing behind the corner, wide-eyed. He had obviously heard the interaction. Arthur grabbed his arm. "Come on, frog. We're breaking out of this hellhole once and for all." Francis nodded slowly as Allistor came out from the back, still grinning like a madman.

"Come on, then, lads. We'd better step lively."

For Queen and Captain {|Hetalia Human AU|}Where stories live. Discover now