Mayura's Identity and a Monoprix Shop

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Ladybug POV:

Swinging over rooftops, not a care in the world! Sometimes the best part of being Ladybug is seeing Paris in a way so few can. Hooking the last left on my route, I wound up my spotted yo-yo and calmly stepped towards the Seine. I dangled my feet over the ledge as I waited. The beginning of October in Paris was always my favorite time of year, the leaves turning sunset colors and an enjoyable breeze that takes away the August humidity.

I saw a purple figure running in the distance, but even with overlarge sunglasses covering her face, I knew who it was. After all, it was Marinette who gave her the hoodie.

"I'm sorry I'm late, the meeting went long, then I had to run from my car—"

"Wait, what?! Why were you running from your car? Does the driver know where you are? Where you went?"

"No, it found another route before it could see me again."

"Alright, good. So, tell me what you learned. Who was there, if there's a schedule your following? Do you know who Hawkmoth and Mayura are?

She paused, but it was almost like I could see the cogs turning in her head. Wondering if she should tell me. 

I placed a hand on her shoulder "It's okay Kagami, just—"

"I only know who's in the trials! Lila Rossi and Chloé Bourgeois." She spoke breathlessly. I could tell she had more to say to me, but I know better then to pry. Besides, I had one piece of vital information.

"Mayura is Nathalie Sancour."

Her voice was so quiet, I could have mistaken it for the wind whipping through the damp tunnel. But I did hear it, as cruel as the words were. The only person who had cared for Adrien. His father is never there, his bodyguard doesn't speak to him. It's only Nathalie. Was only Nathalie. I started to panic

"Who have you told this? Who else knows this!" I grabbed her shoulders, my mind spinning in a thousand directions. Mayura knows who Hawkmoth is, Mayura LIVES with Adrien!

"Ladybug  Ladybug! The only people who know are those that were in the trial!" I hadn't realized I was sweating. Or was it the light rain starting to fall over us. Though I usually find the rain to be peaceful, this only made my mind more weary of Adrien. "Listen to me Kagami, when it's your turn with the miraculous, whenever that may be, take that time to watch and listen closely. To Hawkmoth, Mayura, and the other two in the trial. Make sure Adrien is safe if worst comes to worst. You need to go home now. It's starting to come down pretty hard." I responded darkly

I jogged outside the tunnel and tossed my yo-yo onto a nearby chimney. Swinging over rooftops, all the worry the in the world. Sometimes the worst part about being Ladybug is having to risk it all to take down the enemies. Knowing things you shouldn't have to know. But I accepted this job with open arms, being Ladybug, saving Paris, I knew what this would mean. But I never would have guessed this would happen to. The person I love living with a villain. Becoming the last guardian. I never thought that this would be my life three years from now.

I leapt forward onto a semi flat rooftop. Since I heard if this mission, I knew Chat and I needed a place to keep evidence away from prying ears. I slipped dangerously on the side of the dome, prying my way in through the rusted hatch door. Dropping on my knees, soaking wet, Tikki flew on my shoulder. "Marinette, this place looks so dreary! This is truly sad."

I rolled my eyes jokingly "Don't worry Tikki, we'll give it a little love, and some Halloween decorations!"

I handed her a chocolate chip cookie from my purse, which was slowly soaking up the water from my pigtails. Stupid absorbant fabric, that's what it is.

"But it doesn't matter now, cause all I need to do is tell Chat what we learned today! I paused, "I hadn't told him yet we were meeting! Quick Tikki, transform me!" The echo of my voice against the slopped walls and the flash of pink lighting gave the effect of a lighting strike, which in my opinion, is pretty damn cool.

I pulled out my yo-yo and left a message for him "Chat Noir, you have to get over here quick. I'm at the meeting spot, 150 Rue la Boétie, Monoprix shop. I know who Mayura is!" I hung up and wondered aloud

"This is a strange place for a meeting spot? Wonder how he knew about this hatch anyways?" 

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