the walking dead

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a/n: this will reference the walking dead!! i've been binging with my friend so i thought i'd put a twist on it


You and Steve were in the middle of a binge. You usually weren't one to be able to get hooked onto shows, but this one was different.

"Who do you think is next?" You asked Steve, bundling up next to him on the couch.

"I don't really know, but I'm hoping that it isn't who I think it will be," Steve said as he clicked through Netflix to open the next episode of your show, The Walking Dead. You were in the middle of season three, which was definitely an accomplishment for you because you rarely ever got past a show's first season's finale. Steve pressed play as both of you glued your eyes to the television screen and tuned out the rest of the world.

"I think she's kind of annoying," You chuckled, pointing at a character. Steve nodded in agreement, also chuckling softly.

As the night went on, you watched four, going into five episodes before you decided to go to bed. You and Steve walked to his room, almost immediately going to bed within seconds.

You drifted off into an odd dream, it was like if you were a character in a movie. Your surroundings were basically nothing, just the forest and the sun setting afar. You felt out of breath, and you felt like you were running away from someone, or something. You navigated the forest as quietly and quickly as possible and saw what seemed to look like a campfire not too far away from where you were. Maybe those people could help. Walking towards it, you felt your eyelids get heavier and heavier each step you took. But you didn't stop, because you knew you wouldn't be safe if you did.

"Y/N?!" You heard someone who sounded like Bucky ask, then you recognized who the occupants of the campfire were. It was Steve, Bucky, Nat, and Sam, all seemingly relaxing or staying on watch. They all seemed to scramble up to you, checking for your pulse and checking for any cuts or other injuries. "Are you alright?"

"I feel.. tired," You chuckled as you practically fainted into someone's arms.

"Let's get you rested and fed," Nat insisted as you were given a seat in front of the fire. You slipped in and out of a nap, the things around you feeling like they weren't really there.

"Hey, Y/N," A soft yet strong voice came from in front of you. Without much thought, you recognized your boyfriend, Steve. "Let's get you to our tent."

You nodded, letting him practically carry you there.

"How long have you been out there for?" Steve asked, wrapping you up in whatever blankets he could find.

"I don't know," You responded, confused. "I don't know where I've been or how I got here."

"Good thing is you're safe," Steve sweetly said, giving you a kiss on your forehead. You fell asleep in his arms, still feeling uneasy about what you dug yourself into.

A few hours into the night, you heard some branches cracking and leaves rustling. You looked over at Steve, who was still sound asleep, and smiled before getting out of the tent. There was a shovel on the ground of the entrance, so you grabbed it and walked towards the sound. You felt the adrenaline rush through your blood as you neared the crunching, but were only faced with a small deer that was looking for food.

You turned around, then heard the rustling again, but with groaning accompanying it. You rolled your eyes and turned to see something you weren't anticipating to see.

"Holy shit," You panicked, but put yourself back into your senses. You swung the shovel you had in your hands, hitting the figure on the head before it fell onto the ground. You scrambled back to the camp, rustling into the tent you were sharing with Steve.

"Steve, they're here," You whisper-yelled, Steve jumping out of his sleep and grabbing his gun and his knife.

"Bucky! Sam! Nat!" Steve yelled, shaking everyone's tents as they all scrambled awake and grabbed their weapons.

"We have to go, now," Steve ordered.

"Steve we can't just leave everything here. Where will we get all this food from if we leave it all here?!" Sam asked, slicing the head off of another walker.

"I don't know, but this herd looks bigger than anything we can handle," Bucky interjected, snapping the neck of another right after.

"Bucky's right, we have to get out of here before any more try to kill us all," You agreed, whacking another with a bat. Right after swinging, one of the walkers practically pounced on top of you, making you fall onto the ground.

"Steve!" You yelled, trying to get up and recover.

"Y/N!" Steve yelled, trying to get past the crowd of walkers. But before you knew it, you saw nothing but pitch black.

"Y/N," He said beside you as you woke up, sweaty and out of breath. "Are you okay?"

You chuckled, shaking your head in embarrassment.

"I just had a nightmare. Maybe, let's not always end the day binging."

Steve laughed, kissing your cheek before pulling you in and closing his eyes.

"It's okay, I would drop kick any walker that tries to get near you," Steve reassured as you closed your eyes and relaxed.

"My hero."

"You know it."

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