just a dream

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a/n: in honor of steve's bday, here's a lil bday one shot (:

word count: 655

It was a night after a long, long mission. You and your boyfriend, Steve, both showered, changed, and ate before getting into bed and taking in the beautiful warmth of your shared bed.

"G'night, Stevie," You whispered before kissing him softly and wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Good night, sweetheart," Steve whispered back and kissed your forehead. The two of you snuggled into each other and fell asleep within minutes.

After every hard but successful mission, Steve always looked to you with both appreciation and sadness. Even though he was grateful to have you by his side on missions, he always wanted to have a normal, steady life with you. For the couple of years you had dated, it almost seemed as if you were married, but the constant turmoil was always stopping you from finally sealing the deal.

Steve drifted off, dreaming of you and his ideal family.

It was his birthday. You decorated your comfortable, two-story home with decorations that doubled as Fourth of July decorations, as his birthday was the same day. He hated the whole "Captain America" theme Tony always did back at the headquarters, but you made it a Steve Rogers birthday, which he always appreciated. He woke up to a breakfast in bed, courtesy of you and your two children. He felt his heart jump out of his chest with joy as he celebrated the beginning of his birthday with the three angels he cherished the most.

As your daughter and son, Natalie and Anthony, pulled him down the stairs, he was welcomed with the rest of the Avengers and a fully-decorated first floor of your home.

"Happy birthday, Cap," Tony said, before picking little Anthony up and putting him on his shoulders. "This isn't the signature Tony Stark party, but Y/N put a lot of effort for ya, so I'll let it slide."

Anthony giggled as he messed with Tony's hair and Tony playfully screamed, walking away and stumbling under Anthony. Steve smiled, seeing everyone enjoy the day.

"Hey sweetheart," You said as you hugged him from behind and peeled your head over his shoulder to kiss his cheek. "Let's go outside, shall we?"

Steve took your hand, following you outside and looking around your backyard. You had set up fairy lights all across the patio and had decorated with red, white, and blue stars on the strings of the fairy lights.

"I love it, sweetheart," Steve said as he hugged you and kissed your forehead. You smiled back up at him and told everyone to come outside to enjoy the day. Your kids put on their bathing suits and played in the kiddie pool you had bought for them, one of those that were inflatable and had a giraffe squirting water from above.

"Time to sing happy birthday!" You shouted with a chocolate cake in your hands and sprinkles covered over it. Everyone rejoiced at the wooden outdoor table, singing and shouting happy birthday to Steve. He stood front-and-center, with you, Anthony, and Natalie by his side.

"Make a wish daddy!!" Natalie yelled and clapped her hands. Steve stopped for a second, wishing for moments like this to keep coming.

"Wanna blow the candles out for me?" He asked both Anthony and Natalie. They both nodded their heads eagerly, smiling as they tiptoed and blew as hard as they could. Everyone clapped, enjoying Y/N's homemade cake. Nothing was more calming and reassuring than holding you next to him and having the team celebrate moments like this without having to worry about the next day's mission.

Steve woke up with a smile on his face. He knew that the birthday he dreamt of wasn't coming anytime soon, but knowing you were there by his side was reassuring enough. He knew that one day he would be able to settle down with you and have the happy family he had always wanted.

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