Chapter 5

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As Harry tries to sleep that night, he wonders if Draco likes him too. He wonders if Draco really cares about him. If he doesn't mind the fact that harry is broken and scarred mentally and physically.

He falls asleep but has a horrible nightmare. He screams and thrashes around in his sleep kicking Draco and crying out.

'Please stop. No please! Don't touch me! No please! No-'

'Harry! Harry, love wake up! Please wake up!' Draco shakes him awake. Harry wakes with a scream, eyes wild, breathing erratic hair messed into strange angles. He sobs, his tiny, scrawny body shakes with how big they are.

Draco places his hand on Harry's shoulder and feels his heart break when Harry flinches and throws himself away from Draco. He crawls into the corner of the room whimpering. He keeps whispering things like, 'Please don't hurt me. Please. I'm sorry sir. I'll be good I promise.' Draco wants to cry. How could someone do this to the most beautiful person ever?

His love for the boy grounds him so he doesn't go and kill whoever did this to Harry in a fit of rage. He has to be calm for Harry. He can't scare him away or Harry will never recover.

'Harry' he whispers softly. 'Harry please look at me. I'm not gonna hurt you. Harry please.' he feels like breaking down and crying but he has to be strong. He has to be strong for Harry. Harry slowly looks up and Draco's stormy silver eyes meet Harry's emerald eyes. He gives a small smile to Harry. 'Can you come over here please love?' He didn't realise he had said the term of endearment until Harry stated to crawl over slightly. He gives an encouraging smile and holds his arms out slowly. 'That's a good boy, Harry. Aren't you a good boy?' He keeps talking to Harry softly as harry makes his way over to Draco.

Finally, he reaches Draco and he just sits there on the floor looking wretched. It tore Draco's heart to see his love like this. He just gazed into Harry's emerald orbs trying to push his emotions like love, care and worry to the front. He didn't want harry to see the anger, fury and rage he felt. That would not help Harry right now. Another time maybe. Harry had stopped crying by now; however, he still looked skittish so Draco moved slightly to gauge his reaction. Harry didn't flinch which was good. Draco slowly reached out towards the cute boy and made sure harry could see his hands.

He slowly and softly placed them on his face, gently stroking his cheek with a thumb. 'Hi Harry. How are you feeling?' he looks him straight in the eyes that had captured his attention all those years ago. 'Please don't lie to me. I just want to help you.'

Harry drags in a deep breath as if to reply.

Draco carries on speaking when Harry didn't say anything. 'I just want to protect you. Keep you safe. Heal you. Calm you. Make you smile, make you happy.' Draco felt a tear roll down his own face. Well there goes keeping his emotions in check.

'I just want to love you.'

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