Chapter 1

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A/N Hey lovelies, it's Jaz. This is not a proper story. It is more of an outline/guideline to a proper one, one that I need to write eventually. That may take a while, as at the minute, I am writing Rage. Happy reading!
Tue, 14 July, 2020

Harry is sick of it. He just survived his worst year yet - and that is saying something. First year he had a murder/Dark Lord after him and in second year a Basilisk was let lose upon the castle. Third year he had another murderer after him who really just wanted to have custody of him but it did not seem like it at the time. One of his teachers was a werewolf too. However, last year, in his opinion it was the most traumatizing year yet. Fighting a dragon, saving your 'rival' from mermaids and then watching a nice guy be killed in cold blood would do that to you. Oh and to top it all off, the Dark Lord, Voldemort, moldy shorts, moldy voldy whatever the hell you wanna call him was resurrected and then promptly tried to kill him. Ah, life is great.

Harry just wants to get away from his abusing relatives. He has just watched someone die and then someone else come back to life and you would have thought he would have been allowed to stay at his best mate's house right? Wrong. Dumbledore said he had to stay with his relatives, the Horse and two Whales. Said it was "for the greater good, my boy".

What a load of bullshit.

He has told Albus time and time again that they treat him like scum. He told him that they hit him, smack him, burn him, cut him, scratch him, starve him, bruise him and scar him. And does Albus care? Not one fucking bit. He said to Harry - "Harry, my boy, please stop telling lies. I'm sure you making things out to be worse than they actually are." Harry was furious when he heard those works come out of Albus' mouth.

Being stuck in his cupboard with nothing to do makes one think. And thinking is a dangerous thing. Harry, is thinking about his sexuality. Dangerous to think about. Better stop before he starts picturing himself with Crabbe or Goyle. I mean he sees himself with Draco Malfoy anyway but that doesn't matter – nobody needs to know that, especially Draco. Not like Draco would ever love him back... right?

Harry remembers his reaction when he saved him in the second task. He just sat there, staring at harry, gobsmacked, blushing furiously and silently seething (his hair was all dirty now. Bloody lake). He was obviously feeling so many feelings at once he didn't know what to do about it.

Harry sighs. Enough thinking, time to try and sleep. He checks his watch. Oh shit, 05:59. He has been awake all night thinking about his sad life. Time go get breakfast done. He creaks his door open silently and creeps towards the kitchen. Once he gets there, he grabs the bacon, 4 eggs, bread, butter and the orange juice. He lays the table whilst the bacon fries in the pan. He places glasses in the relevant seats at the table and adds the carton of orange juice. He puts the fried bacon on plates and starts cracking the eggs. As soon as he cracked the last one, he hears heavy thuds from upstairs indicating that the Whales are awake. They stomp downstairs and situate themselves at the table. Harry quickly finishes breakfast up to avoid a confrontation with his Uncle and hands them their plates. He never gets thank you's or good mornings. Freaks aren't allowed to be greeted.

Harry goes to pour them orange juice but when he walked round to Vernon, Dudley, stuck his leg out causing Harry to trip and spill the orange juice all over his Uncle. Vernon is furious. He tells his wife and son to leave, 'Go take him to get new clothes dear, treat him for being such a good son.' Once they left, Vernon removes his belt. 'Lie down, on the floor freak.' Harry lies in the spilt orange juice and removes his shirt. This has happened enough times that he knows what to do. Suddenly, a slash of the belt hits him on his back making him jerk. 

Another happens just on his spine causing him to cry out. 'Like that Freak? You deserve this. If I had just left you in an orphanage this would have never happened.' Slashes of the belt caused Harry to cry out this time. 'Shut up Boy, or this will get worse.' Vernon growls. 

But Harry can't help it, the next hit makes Harry scream and Vernon decides to punish the boy more. Fetching a knife from the counter, he starts slicing all over Harry's body, marking it, scarring it. He laughs manically, enjoying watching his nephew squirm and writhe under him. 

He holds Harry still, and starts to carve words into Harry's skin. FREAK, MURDERER and WORTHLESS are the words that Harry will now carry around him forever. The obese Whale relish's the small boys screams. Vernon starts on another word, WHORE, but he doesn't get to finish it as Harry has had enough. With some accidental magic, he blasts Vernon backwards before chanting, 'Take me where I will be safe'. 

The last thing he sees is Vernon fuming, red as blood and spitting obscenities when it all goes black.

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