"His secretary called to tell." She said as she got seated on the couch.

"It sounds normal now," I said shaking my head.

"Anyway, we are thinking of promoting Vihaan as we think he is capable of handling big projects as well." She said taking out her mobile and checking something on it. "You better sort out everything before that." She said giving me a brief look before getting back to what she was doing.

"What?" I frowned, "So you are thinking profit here as well?"

Mom shrugged her shoulders.

"I thought you genuinely liked him. For the person..." I was saying when she cut me with a sharp look.

"I don't care about that, Zivah. What I care is for your secure future and you have chosen the one who is capable of handling our business as well as you." She said.

"Mom, I don't need a man to give me a secure future," I said gritting my teeth and sounding as calm as possible. Everything has started pissing me now, "I have made myself capable enough to get the secure future. Do you really think that I was with him just because I found out that he is smart enough for handling business?" I said pacing in the room throwing my hands in the air.

"What's wrong in that? That's the first thing you should be thinking of." She said adjusting herself in the seat and putting her mobile down.

"Well, I have enough money for myself and I don't want to get married to just anyone," I said stopping in front of her. "I can earn enough myself to get the basic necessities of life. I don't want anything more."

"I never thought my daughter would have such shallow dreams." She said letting out a mocking laugh.

"I don't know not being greedy for money would make my dreams shallow," I said with a sad laugh.

"Have you ever bothered to ask me what I want from life?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows. "You just considered everything," I said further as she refused to speak. Let alone speak she just started searching for something in her bag as if what I was saying holds no importance.

I wanted to barge out of the room but I thought this is the time I should clear everything out. Because once Dad is in the frame I don't think these two will let me open my mouth.

"I want to work hard. I want to be one of the best businesswomen out there. I want to take the business forward, mom, and give it a new height," I said with a small smile. She looked back at me so I continued, "I want to learn new things, I want to try out different things. I want people to know me as one of the finest writers as well." I said gesturing with my hands as I forgot who was in front of me, "I want at least one book to publish with my name."

"But..." I stopped and looked back at her. The expressions on my face changed to annoyed one, "But for you, it's all shallow as it doesn't involve my greed for money. And I want to do everything on my own," I said as I gritted my teeth, "I don't want to get married to achieve any of these. If I marry then I will do it just for love." I finished.

"Love?" She said letting out a chuckle. She shook her head and looked at me, "There no such thing, honey."

I rolled my eyes. Mom let out a sigh.

"And I get it what you want to achieve but sitting here won't take you anywhere." She said giving me a sarcastic smile.

"You know what mom?" I said giving in, finally because no matter what I say nothing is gonna work so maybe it's better to stop, "I just don't want to talk anything further. I just want to be alone." I said moving towards the door to get out of this room.

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