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    I hear a knock on my door. I walk to it and open it.

  Annie barges in.

"Hey, im sorry about last time! We're sorry.
Beth and ruby didn't want to come because they know how you get when you're mad but I love you so much that I risked my life for this" she speed talks as she paces around the room.

   A smile grows on my face as I hear the last sentence.

  "I missed you." I say. She comes in for a hug and I hug her back.

"So u got some beer?" She asks as she heads to my kitchen.

A 'I should've expected this' expression shows on my face.

"Yea, check in-" I say but i stop because I realize she's already downing the beer.

   "Never mind" I say.

I go to the fridge to go grab a apple juice.

  "What's this?" Annie asks as I open the juice and take a sip.

  I look at what she's looking at. The envelope.
Should I tell her? She's my best friend. Okay, I'll tell her.

  "Rio." I say as I take another sip of my apple juice. This was originally for nia but since she's not here I've mostly drank all her juices especially the Capri sun. If you have one Capri sun, you HAVE to have another. You can't just drink one. Duh.

  "Hello??" She says waving a hand in my hand.

"Hi." I reply as I look at her. A shocked expression stuck on her face.

"What do you mean 'Rio' ?" She says as she mocks me.

"He. Gave me. The money." I say as I pause after almost every word so she understands me better.

"Okay and... WHY?" She asks. I don't know if I should tell her. Last time I saw her, I told her I didn't want to be involved in any crime and I'm pretty sure digging up a dead body and taking a picture of it, is a crime. But I had no choice! No, I won't tell her.

" i don't know." I say as I take another sip.

     "You don't know?" As her eyes go wide. She knows I know that's why she said it in such a sarcastic way.

"Did you fuck him?... OH my god! You fucked him?!!" She says and had another shocked expression planted her face.

"Maybe..." i tell her. I know it's not true but if I told her why he gave me the money she would be pissed so I didn't know what else to say, so I agreed.

"Wow. I did not expect that." She says

"I have to go tell the girls" she tells me as she heads for the door. Oh shit. What if they bring it up in front of him on no.

"No!" I say. Well, almost scream.

But before I get a respond she's already out the door.

Well, shit.

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