Those threats really scared me, those threats really made me fear for my life as well as those around me that I cared about. I was on guard trapped in my own mind, triggers shocked me into fear at the slightest movement, action or touch.

Ryder helped me the best he could with me being so standoffish the next day- March 27 Sunday three more days to go before the carnival. Our date was wonderful and so romantic it wasn't that which brought these thoughts on the next day- no it was the dream that night that turned into a nightmare.

A rolling hill of green stretched on for miles. The sweet serenade of birds singing in the back ground mixing in with the soft sound of a stream flowing somewhere down the way. A giggle feels the scene before me a beautiful girl with soft brown wavy curls and piercing blue eyes ran away from an unknown source. Her hair flew around her as she took off up the hill and turned around with open arms as a small  boy with brown hair and hazel eyes came into the picture and ran into the arms of the girl on the hill. Soon their eyes turned towards me and they smiled before their faces turned grim.

"Mommy!" The little girl screamed out as the scene faded away, their arms outstretched towards me but I was untouchable then I was falling.

Darkness swallowed me whole as I laid sprawled out on the floor of an abandoned building the windows cracked with their glass littering the floor. I could catch the rays of light as they reflected off the slivers of glass that lay scattered around me, made me wonder if the scattered glass had been relatively recent. Silence once again surrounded me this time it was uncomfortable, painful, scary and deadly. The once peaceful silence I welcomed with open arms only days before had now become my greatest fear. That once peaceful lovely hill had turned into a dark prison where I had no way to escape from. A prison that held me against my will and made me fight to find a way to leave this place and return to the real world.

With a startled gasp I had awoken that night in a heavy sweat my heart stampeding away as I tried to catch my racing breath. Ryder didn't stir that night from my abrupt awakening, he continued to sleep soundly next to me oblivious to the nightmares that tortured me that night. Sunday crept by inch my inch, hour by hour before slowly ending in Monday.

Monday March 28 two more days until the carnival that would change my life.

"Emmie!" A voice screeched form behind me, I had just sat down on a bench outside in the quad after my morning class. The following night I stayed at home because my mom was expecting a delivery and I had to be there. Ryder wanted to stay with me but I told him I would be okay for a few hours and that I would see him in the morning for classes when he got there. I actually slept peacefully that night even though Ryder wasn't there to hold me and lull me to sleep with his soft caresses on my arm. Waking up was harder because I was still sketchy about taking my car so I walked, yes walked to school this morning.

Looking up I saw Jace running towards me a huge grin stretched across his face but behind that smile I knew there was mischief.

Running a hand through my hair a habit I had begun to pick up from Ryder.

"What did you do?" Skidding to a halt he placed his hands to his knees as he tried to catch his racing breath, his face flushed a bright pink as if he had been running a long time trying to find me.

"W-What makes you think I-I did something?" He asked me in return. Looking up at me from where he was bent over his eyes displaying that he had done something so all I did was raise an eyebrow at him.

He gave a chuckle before plopping down next to me and throwing his arm over my shoulder drawing me near his body.

"Jace get your ass back here!" A very angry voice shouted from the other end of the quad and soon a very pissed over- pink haired Ryder rounded the corner. Pink hair? I turned away from my boyfriend as he made his way towards us a predatory gleam in his eyes.

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