Final Chapter

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Final Chapter


I never gave much thought as to how I would die. I always figured it would be in my sleep surrounded by the ones I loved most as they watched me go peacefully into the darkness. Death was not what I expected until I was left alone in the endless tunnel of emptiness. There was no pain, no sight, no sound and no touch to be felt. In a sense of absolute bliss death had been peaceful. I would have laughed if someone had told me I would be dead at the young age of twenty-two and by the hands of someone I trusted and knew.

As Richard pulled that trigger I was thankful that I barely had my sight because I knew what I saw in his eyes would be nothing but pure evil and hatred. What have I done to deserve this? I thought I was protecting the ones I love from harm but in the end I had been the cause of everyone’s heartache. As I fell further and further into the endless hall my thoughts began to wonder. I knew I would die one day but never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that I would die in such a horrible and bloody way, as I felt completely numb surrounded by iciness. I remember feeling nothing as the bullet pierced my skin because truthfully I was already gone the moment my head smacked against the concrete. My moments were slipping and I was hanging by a very thin unstable thread. Did the darkness ever end? If I had known that last threat would come true I would have told Ryder the words I longed to speak, he didn’t say those words during my last breath and it made me wonder if he believed me to be fixable.

Truth is I believed I would, falling into the endless until my heart gave out or awake from this horrible nightmare. Though soon the endlessness ended and I was dropped headfirst into freezing water, making me completely numb. I watched my mother die when I was younger she had been in so much pain until her time came and she slipped away peacefully into the night. She seemed like an angel as she slept, she gave no indication that death felt icy, cold and numb like how I felt at this moment. Maybe it is because she died from a sickness as it slowly drained her until there was nothing left unlike I who had been shot point blank in the chest. Truthfully it was a miracle that the bullet had missed my heart but in the end I still died. The drowning feeling vanished from around me making me gasp for air as I lay there not moving forward or backwards as I had become stuck in the in between. A place I had only heard about from those who have come back from the brink of death but they only stayed in the in between for a few minutes and mine felt like longer. Though this darkness if only for a few minutes did not warn off the screams and sounds that filled me as I held in my tears.

Could you cry if you were dead? Was the final process painful? My curiosity got the best of me and I ventured further into the darkness not a sign of light or life around me. Soon a tingling sensation shocked through me from my head to my toes to my nose pulling me quickly from the darkness for only seconds though.

“Clear” A deep voice shouted gargled by the darkness around me, I felt I was underwater listening to them talk from above me.

“Her heart rate picked up but its not steady, we need to get her prepped for surgery before her heart fails again, I think we can save her.” A voice shouted, the sound of cries filled my ears moments later a beeping sound blared like warning bells through the air. Soon I was being pulled under the water filling my lungs with ice and murk, I tried to fight my way back to the top but it was useless the more I struggled the weaker I became.

“Quick we are losing her we need to move, now!” A voice yelled in panic.

“No Bell don’t leave me I need you, we need you!” Ryder’s voice screamed, I tried to reach for him in the gurgling water but I was greeted with nothing but the chill of the pain. Opening my mouth once more to scream to tell them not to let me go, buckets of water rushed down my through caused me to gasp for air as my body went weak floating to the bottom of the emptiness. Death so far wasn’t peaceful it made you feel weak and vulnerable. It made you feel useless like a newborn baby depending solely on their mother and father to survive. Those first crucial days of life when you are premature fighting to stay healthy with still growing lungs and heart.

A Bullet is the Key.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu