Meanwhile at the market....

"Geonie!",hyun called out as he reached the stall of jeons.The whole week from their meeting at the castle, he was visiting the stall without fail and today was not an exception.

"Hyunie?I thought that you won't be coming today.Why are you late?",euigeon asked as he pouted and hyun was resisting himself from pinching those chubby cheeks.

"Hyung was talking with me,Geonie. That's why i was late.But tell me why you are kneading the clay now?Didn't you say that you didn't get any punishment from your papa?",hyun questioned as he saw euigeon kneading the clay with his small hands.

"Offcourse i didn't get any punishment, hyunie.Kookie being the best brother he is didn't tell papa anything that i didn't do.I'm kneading it because, this morning i completed a small figurine which turned out really nice which means more such figurines are going to arrive this evening",he said and kneaded the clay more enthusiastically which brought a small smile on the elder's face.

"You made a figurine?Why didn't you show me till now!?Show me! show me!",hyun chirped as he was really excited to see the younger's creation.

"Oh right!I'm seriously forgetful nowadays, hyunie.I was planning on showing it to you the moment you arrived. But as you didn't show up at the time you would normally arrive,i became sad.So, i forgot about everything when i saw you.Wait a minute. I'll show you my work",he said and went inside the stall leaving hyun at the entrance whose heart was beating violently because of his words.

"What are you doing to me,Geonie?Do you even know what you're doing to me?",he asked to no one in particular as he held his chest with a smile.

"Look, hyunie. Isn't it really beautiful?I did this by myself without kookie's or papa's help",euigeon said as he brought back a figurine with him.

"Mm....what's this,Geonie?",hyun asked as he couldn't figure out what it was even after examining for 5 whole minutes.

"Look at it with your art eyes,hyunie. ",he said as he patted his shoulder,as an act of encouragement.

"I don't know,Geonie. Please tell me by yourself. I'll buy you your favourite candy",he bribed.

"Fine.I should have figured it out that you won't be able to understand my creative mind.It is a cat,Geonie. Look at it carefully and you will see it",euigeon said which made the other's eyeballs to literally fall out.

"A CAT!?Why is a cat standing like a man,Geonie?And also,what's with these lines on its stomach?",he asked as he traced those lines with his hand.

"He has abs,hyunie.I wanted my ori to stand like that,but he couldn't.So i made a figurine of a standing cat by myself.Isn't it mindblowing?",he answered,looking as if he had created a masterpiece..


"Yeah.Ori.My kitten.",euigeon said and glared at hyun as if he didn't know the most important fact about him.

"Ori means duck,right?",hyun asked as he was puzzled by the choice of name.

"So?",euigeon asked as his glare on the other got intensified.

"Nothing!So what is his name?",hyun asked and pointed the figurine,trying to change the subject which he accomplished successfully.

"Oh!His name is puppy!Isn't he so cute,hyunie",euigeon jumped up and down which made the other to smile at him widely.

"Yes,he is so cute,geonie.So cute that it urges me to hold him so dearly for the rest of my life",he said softly as he eyed euigeon who was still jumping.

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