Chapter 12

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                                                                    A False Climax:

                                                         Echoes of Spent Moments

The Pair reached the edge of the city to rendezvous with Cleopatra before sundown. It would be a long trip. They had to travel to Egypt's border , back to Alexandria, and then back to Egypt's border. This was likely to encompass a weeks time, but Altha'ari was ready as he ever could be for the task. Cleopatra arrived just moments after they did, carriage in tow she had come up with a more ingenious way to conceal herself as they crossed the border. They were still likely to encounter conflict, but the more well hidden Cleopatra was the easier their task became, that is until they entered the palace itself.

" Are we quite ready my lady?" Altha'ari asked.

" Where are your weapons Altha'ari?" Cleopatra inquired. " The opposing parties may cause problems, and We both know the type of weapon you can be yourself. I'd feel much more safe with an armed Altha'ari.

" It is still among my things on the horse, but not to worry my queen. Tara is who they should really fear." Altha'ari beamed."

" Okay, now, we should all be on the same page here. Quick, Altha'ari, what are your objectives?" Cleopatra said swiftly.

" I am to smuggle you across the Egyptian border and back into my hometown. We will reach the palace inside Alexandria where they will likely turn us around, as they will recognize me now. This is where Tara comes in. She will deliver the gifts with you inside the carpet and we shall await your exit so that we may then travel back to the border in order to prepare for the attack on Ptolemy's naval force." Altha'ari said sharply.

" Good, and what are you to do if we encounter trouble for the suspicion the cart is likely to attract? Tara?" She fired again.

" Show no mercy. Eliminate any threat to the potential this mission entails." Tara said coldly.

" Good, we are set then. This shall be swift and decisive." Cleopatra beamed.

The task now understood and everyone on the same page they set out for Alexandria once more. Altha'ari felt odd about the whole thing as he would be only a few streets from his home with Tara, but would not be there or able to lay beside her at night. Not even Cleopatra knew of them or their interactions together. It was difficult for him to hide his affection towards her altogether, but the hardest of it all was attempting to not give them away by letting Cleopatra see the glances he made lovingly towards Tara.

The african sun beat down on them like a raging fire, and it soon became too much for them to endure so the trio retreated into the shade of the carriage, entrusting the driver with the task of knowing the proper route. Once inside, the two women retreated to the very back, while Altha'ari sat near the front awaiting any trouble they may pass along the border. He was content for now, but all he wanted to do at the back of his mind was look into Tara Alhabu's eyes.

The sun finally set a couple hours later, and the trio once again sat at the front of the carriage, repeatedly covering the plan and what exactly Cleopatra would say to Caesar once inside. Mistakes could not be made, and the queen could not afford to waste any time once inside. Caesar had already pushed her brother out of the palace by force there was not really any doubt among the three that he would kill her if she gave him the slightest reason too. The carriage suddenly came to a stop, and the driver looked back and pointed into the distance.

The group was finally able to see the edges of Alexandria in the distance, the glowing fires of the city visible over the horizon they only had about an hours ride left. Tara motioned for the driver to help unload supplies for a crudely made camp for the night, as they were to enter the palace by the light of day. He obliged, hopping into the back of the carriage and grabbing his needed tools for a fire.

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