✷4: the marsh

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Sav's pov

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Sav's pov

"Peterkin said if i stayed out the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." John B explained as to why our mission to finding some contraband on the grady white was a no go.

"And you believed her?" JJ scoffed as he threw rocks at the water.

I sat quietly in my seat watching as all of this unfolded.

"Yes, i believe her JJ." John B replied calmly. I always appreciated his patience.

"An actual cop. John B. You believed a cop." JJ laughed at him in disbelief.

"All i gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun."

Oh god here it goes.

"You know what i should've done? Just let Topper drown your ass." He rolled his eyes as they continued to bicker. I gave JJ a warning look.

"Guys enough. Its a new day." I closed my eyes and forced a smile. Im really sick of hearing them bitch.

"They always win, don't they man? They always win." JJ started getting frustrated. "Kooks versus pogues."

"Calm down JJ. Just forget about it." I grabbed a hold of his arm.

"We seriously have nothing to lose. Lets just do it." JJ shrugged. "Fuck the consequences."

"Or ignore me." i mumbled when he completely threw my words out the window.

I shook my head as he found a way to persuade John B to stick through with the plan.

JJ and i were hanging at John B's house until we would regroup for our search later. It was really quiet on JJ's end which is never a good thing. If JJ was quiet it was because he was overthinking. And when he was loud and chaotic it meant he wasnt thinking. I knew it all too well.

"Hey are you okay?" I reached for his hand as he sat on the couch quietly. He was zoned out, deep in thought. I just didnt know what about this time.

"JJ?" I spoke softly as he stared at his shoes. Nothing would get him out of this trance. Not even if i called him, "Babe?" I rolled my eyes. His face jerked towards me as he was taken aback. Of course it would work.

His face softened at my gaze. Then his thumb rubbed circled on the top of my hand.

I stood between his legs and played with his hair with my other hand as he rambled on about how he hates kooks. I understood his rage. I mean, John B is parentless and is on the verge of being put with a foster family. We have real hard lives, working, trying to make the best out of our situation while Kooks sit on their ass. One thing I know about JJ its that he'll hold his feelings back when he's annoyed. But somehow i gained his trust and he'll just tell me his feelings even when he doesn't want to. He didn't hold back when he was venting.

diver down | JJ maybankHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin