Everyone applauds

Host 1 : we got so many information about their love life, so I think it's time for them to ask questions.

These are questions fans like to ask you both, are you guys ready

Forth& Beam: yes

Host 1: First impression of each other, describe it in one word

Forth: Beautiful

Beam: Manly


Host 2: Describe each other in one word 

Forth: Understanding

Beam: Caring

Host 1:What made you to fall for your partner?

Forth: His smile


Beam: (thinking) courage

Host 1: why courage ?

Beam: because he has courage to tell his feelings to his crush which most of them lack including me

Audience: (nodding)true

Host 2: What makes you mad at your partner?

Forth: His cleanliness

Everyone: What?

Beam: I am person who loves cleanliness but he is not. He usually throws things here and there which makes me mad.

Forth: He keeps on telling me Forth dont put your clothes there dont put your things there he also keeps things very organized which I hate most.

Everyone laughs

Host 1: Who will get jealous more ?

Beam: Forth

Forth agrees

Host 2 : Who is more romantic?

Beam : Forth

Forth nods

Host 1: When are you going to have children?

Forth : We will have once we are ready

Beam nods 

Host 2 : How many children you are planning to have?

Forth: Beam is the one to decide this because it's his body, so it's upto Beam. Whether he decides I will follow.

(Beam feels happy hearing those words)

Beam : I think future will decide

Host 1: How you guys manage your marriage life?

Beam: Marriage life will be entirely different from Love life. once you get married you will be depend on each other. so we two always trys to understand each other. So we always communicate with each other.

Forth: As Beam said communication and understanding helps us to improve our relationship.

Host 2: At this moment Did you want to say something to your partner?

Forth: Thank you for marrying me, Beam. Eventhough we have lots of ups and downs, you were always there me when I need you, so I want you with me forever and I love you.



Beam : Thank you for being with everytime I need you, giving me strength and courage. You are like a back bone to me. I promise me I will with you forever. I love you too.


Applause )

Host 1: I want a advise from you, Forth.

Forth: curiously what advise?

Host 1: How to make crush fall for you ?

Everyone laughs

Forth: oh for that first, You should know all his favourites and try to make move on your crush and (looking at Beam) most probably your crush wont notice you ( Beam cutely glares at Forth). you confess your feeling which you shouldnt regret later but you should not force your crush to love you.

 you confess your feeling which you shouldnt regret later but you should not force your crush to love you

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Host 1: so most important thing is to confess I get it.

(Forth nods )

Host 2 : Today we saw personal life of  Forth as he revealed his husband to the world. He also shared his love life to us. So we will support them and wish them to have a wonderful life ahead.


Forth& Beam : Thank you

Forth: Thank you for inviting us which paved me to introduce my husband to the world I asked everyone to support us. Thank you

Host 1: Next week we will see you with another celebrity. Until then wait for us.

Host 2 : It's your favourite show 'celebrity talk'. See you next week.

Host 1 & Host 2: Bye Bye everyone

Host 1 & Host 2: Bye Bye everyone

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Shall I end it here ???

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