Be my Boyfriend

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Forth Pov

I was in Beams dorm parking lot and my mind is still oscillating whether to confess or not. But I decided to follow my heart and called Beam,

Hello Forth(Beam)

Beam are you in your dorm (Forth)

Yes (Beam)

Can you came down (Forth)

Why? Anything serious?(Beam)

No i want to talk to you (Forth)

Ok (Beam)

I ended the call and was waiting for him, after five minutes he came wearing a yellow tshirt and black shorts.

"Forth is it everything ok" he asked worryingly.

"Beam" I called him and breathe out a heavy sigh and decided to speak. Beam was looking at me curiously,

"Beam I want to say something important but you have to listen till the end"

"Hmm" he nodded.

"Beam I don't know what you feel about me but I want tell you now how I feel about you"

"Beam when I first saw you I liked you as you were smart, intelligent and big teaser then after getting closer to you I came to know your kindness , helpful and friendly character. You never failed to inspire me and you even supported me in my hard time not only me but my friends too.whenever I am with you I get a different feeling which i cant even describe it with a word. Even till now nobody gave me that feeling. but one thing my heart always tells me that if you were in my life I will be happiest person in the world. What I want tell you is I love you Beam."

Beam eyes widened as he was shocked. But I continued.

"I know Beam it was hard for you to accept that your friend confessed his feeling for you. but dont worry I wont force you, I will accept whatever your decision is."

""he was in the state of shock and unable to form a word. I think his mind is still progressing the fact that I confessed him. But I really want him to accept me.

"Forth I need.... some time"

"Ok Beam I will wait and remember it I will accept whatever your decision is, but please dont break our friendship"

"Yes Forth" he smiled at me. Then I left the place with light heart as I confessed my feeling to my crush after 3 and half years.

                      It's been a week Beam stopped talking to me after my confession he even didnt talk to my friends ,no calls, not even a single message. I clearly told him that we can be friends eventhough he dont accept me. I wanted to call him but I want to him like space and am also busy with fan event to promote our album.

                   A week later Beam messaged me to meet him in a cafe. My friends wished me good luck but said that I should accept the  decision of Beam. But I am praying Beam to accept me. I entered cafe and saw Beam in a table thinking about something and I sat infront of him.


"Hey Forth" We Ordered coffee and Beam begin to speak,

"Hmm Forth" I looked him he paused and then begin to speak,

"You should forget about your confession". I feel like whole world crumpled down on my head. I don't know a rejection will hurts so much and I feel like crying but I want to know why he rejected me.

"I wont force you but can I atleast know the reason for your rejection"

"You know Forth you dont know any thing about me, I am not type of guy you are looking for, I dont know how to cook , dont know how to take care of my life partner, more over I dont know how take care of kids, in my opinion you should look for wife who can do these things for you coz I sucks being a wife.

"Haha haha "I cant stop laughing I thought he is going to reject me by saying that he is straight but he worrying about future thing which I doesnt care though, how cute.

"What's funny?" Beam asked in irritation.

"You already fallen in love with me"

"What?? No how"

"Because you are worring about our future than present."

"Huh" He looked confused and said,

"Ok I will tell the truth you know I never dated a guy before so I dont know how it works between two guys. I even myself dont know whether I like you not."

"Then how about giving it a try"


"We can date first then you decide whether you want me or not" I said confidently because he will definitely fall me or I shall say he already fallen for me.

"Ok but I reminding you that I sucks at being a wife" I chuckled.

"Don't worry I can be your wife" i said,he laughed

"I will tell you date and time later" I said.

I am very happy to have a date with Beam how cant I, date with guy i am crushing for years. But I cant decide where to take him. Whenever you are out of ideas you should contact your friends.

"Guys I need your help to find me a best perfect place for date."

"Wait Are you cheating on Beam now because he doesnt talk to you after your confession "Lam asked, oh god i forget to tell him my meeting with Beam. Are they really my friends or Beam's.

"No no I am going with Beam"

"Did he accept you? " Tul asked me.

"We decided to give a try by dating as he doesnt know about it works between guys."

"Wow finally your prayers were answered" Park said which made us chuckle.

"Park it's just a date and he didnt accept my proposal though"

"My sense says that he will definitely accept you" Max said confidently.

"Hmm let's wait and see. Now help me to find perfect place for date."

"How about watching movie in theatre only two of you ?" Max suggested.

"How about dinner in five star restaurant?" Park suggested.

"I dont think Beam will like it" Tul said.

"Why ?" Park asked confused.

"Eventhough Beam looks rich he dont like showing off " Lam answered

"Yeah Lam is right he even likes to use simple things" Tul said. They two are right I also noticed those things about Beam.

"He likes beach so bring him there" Park said we all turned our head towards Park. I know Park doesnt like Beam but i was jealous when he said Beam likes Beach which I dont know.

"How did you know ?" Lam asked angrily while glaring at Park.

"Hey cool down" said looking at Lam "remember once we had photoshoot at beach when I showed the photos to Beam said he likes Beach."

"Ok " I am relieved wait why Lam is angry? Is he is jealous. My thoughts were cut off when Tul said,

"Then take Beam to beach"

"Good luck man " Max said.

I am excited for my first date........


Will Beam accept Forth after date ??

Is Lam is really jealous or Forth is just assuming thing?🤔🤔

Thank you for reading my story. Thank you for your votes and comments too🤗🤗🤗🤗

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