Team DIMD (Diamond)

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8:00 A.M.
Ruby POV

My team and I walk up to the house. Whose house is it? It belongs to some friends of ours. Team DIMD, a team of students at Beacon. They were put in an old dormitory house due to a lack of an actual living space. They were put in a small storage room, but after the fourth member "transferred" here, Professor Ozpin had to move them.

I use quotations because they aren't really transfers. They came here in the middle of the school year, yes. And one of them was actually here since the year started. But in order to be a transfer student, you have to be from another huntsman academy. They're  not. In fact, they're not even from Remnant.

They're aliens.

Their leader, David Callum, is from a world that was at war with another planet. He got sucked into a wormhole and ended up on Remnant.

Isaac Lynch is from a world that was destroyed by giant bombs. He and a handful of his world's population survived and are doing their best to rebuild their world. His world was experimenting with interstellar travel using teleportation, which he decided to continue. And now he lives on Remnant.

Michael Skylar is a member of an agency that works for his world's government. Part of his world had been quarantined from an unknown sickness, and he had to try to keep as much order as he could. He... he doesn't actually know how he got here. He was on a mission, a vehicle crashed, then he woke up here.

And lastly, Delsin Fisher. He's a member of an interstellar military at war with a group called the IMC. His transport ship was attacked, leaving him and his giant robot, B, to drift through space until they crashed on Remnant.

They all have such interesting stories. They've all been through trials and hardships. They've been shot at, nearly blown up, and almost incinerated.

But above being aliens, nearly dying, and being "transfer" students, they're our friends. Friends we like to hang out with, which is why we're here.

Yang: Wonder what they're p to.
Weiss: Knowing them, they're probably up to some crazy shenanigans.
Me: Maybe David would like to try out Ultimate Ninja Fighter 3.
Yang: I hope Isaac has another prank idea. Those always make me laugh.

We reach the door. I knock on it three times. We stand there for a moment, then Delsin opens the door.

He's giggling uncontrollably

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He's giggling uncontrollably.

Me: Hey, Delsin. Are you okay?
Delsin: Oh, thank goodness you're here! Come in, I gotta show you guys something.

We enter the house and follow him down the hall. He stops by the door to the basement.

Delsin: Okay, so Isaac went out for a little bit last night and came back absolutely wasted.
Me: Of course he did.

Isaac has a drinking problem big enough to possibly challenge my uncle. I don't know where it came from, but I think his world's lack of rules has something to do with it.

Delsin: He's in the basement right now. He got back at about 11:30. He is still unconscious. So the rest of us decided that we'd take advantage of it.

He leads us down to the basement where David and Michael are doing something that I'm sure is mischievous.

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Isaac is lying on a couch in front of us

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Isaac is lying on a couch in front of us.

Michael places a piece of cardboard by Isaac's head

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Michael places a piece of cardboard by Isaac's head. David looks over to us.

David: Hey, guys.
Me: David, what is happening?
Mike: We're basically creating a little game. Whoever can get the closest to Isaac's face without waking him up wins.
Me: Say no more. I'm in.
Weiss: This looks like bad idea.
Delsin: Yeah, that's why we're doing it.

Michael heads to the basement's kitchen, takes out a spoon and a tub of ice cream, and comes back to the living room. He gives the ice cream to Delsin. He takes a scoop of ice cream and tosses it towards Isaac.

We all fall on the floor laughing. I can actually hear Delsin trying to breath. Isaac looks at me and my team.

Isaac: Were you guys in on this?
Delsin: Yeah, for 30 seconds!

They may be aliens, but they're also our friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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