"Oh," Sam pouting in disgust, "boring."

"Pretty much," the blonde replied through tight lips as she than glanced down to her phone. Fidgeting with it in her hands, in hopes that Sam would grow bored with her and move on to her next victim.


All the girls heads shot up to Sam who had been looking at her phone, her right thumb moving quickly across the screen typing a reply to a text. Once she was finished she placed the phone down and looked to the girls with a huge grin plastered across her face, "the boys at Phi Alpha Kappa are throwing a Welcome back party tonight! They want all the girls from  Tri Delta to be there!"

Everyone in the room burst into excitement, except for Cece. Phi Alpha Kappa meant she'd be having to see him. Brad, her ex. The very same ex, who now runs the house of Alpha Kappa, the one who had cheated on her and then publically bashed her for breaking up with him. He had basically called her every name under the book, posted intimate pictures of her online and had even had an article put in the school paper about her. To say that she hated him would have been an understatement.

Brad had called her everyday over the summer, wanting to apologize for what he had done, but she never answered. Cece was done with him and she was under no circumstances going to that party tonight. Even if Sam was starring at her already knowing what was running through the blondes head, Sam would have to drag her to that party.

"Cece," Emily whispered next to her, "are you okay?"

The blonde took in a deep breath and than rose from the table, leaving all the excitement of the others behind her. She rushed for the stairs, taking two of them at a time and slammed her door behind her before falling into her bed. Her face laid flat into the pillows as the memories of the feelings that Brad had caused her came rushing back. She had felt so weak at that time, it had been partially the cause for why she had returned home for the summer. She knew, even if Emily continued to deny it, that was why Emily had followed her and they had spent every night escaping from their life into shows on Netflix. Brad had completely broke her and Cece thought she had recovered and was stronger than ever before, yet now, she knew how truly wrong she was.

Laying there, at just the mere thought of seeing him again, had her crumbling all over again. How was she too face him; she loved him and he not only broke her trust but completely destroyed her life. Everything she had worked for last year had been taken from her, she almost nearly didn't return this fall and now she was regretting coming all together.

When her phone rang, she didn't move to check the caller, too down in the dumps to care. She simply reached into her pocket and pulled the phone to her ear, answering with a muffled, "hello?"

"Cellia," the male voice questioned her. Her blonde hair whipped up at the sound of his voice through the phone. Brad was on the other line.

"Speak of the devil and he appears," she mumbled to herself as she placed a hand on her forehead. A growing headache caused her to close her eyes tightly when he laughed in response.

"So you're thinking about me," Cece could practically hear him smirking through the call.

"What is it you want Brad," she demanded as she sat up.

The line was silent for a moment and Cece was growing more agitated by the second.

"Look," he than gave a sound as if sighing, "I wanted to apologize-"

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