Meeting the Counterparts

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Maverick POV

Everyone had gathered in my room as we prepared to meet Devil and his friends. Yui had just finished gathering all the info on our counterparts.

Maverick: What's the verdict, Yui?

Yui: It's discouraging to say, daddy. All of our counterparts are above us in every way possible.

Kirito: That's crazy! We're the originals!

Asuna: How is all of this happening anyway? Why is there a separate group of us?

Maverick: Beats me. Anyway, we should go meet Devil and his friends.

Klein: Yeah! Let's! I want to see if my counterpart is as manly as me!

Sinon: I suspect he'll be just as cringy as you.

Klein: That's cold, Sinon!

Yuuki: It will be strange to see people who are basically us.

Koharu: I'm a little upset that there is no counterpart of me.

Maverick: I actually think Kureha is your counterpart.

Koharu: No fair! How come I don't have a counterpart that looks like me?

Asuna: We're wasting time! Let's just get this over with.

Devil POV

I am in my room with my friends. I am messaged by Maverick and he says that he is coming over.

Devil: Looks like they're coming. What are they like, Strea?

Strea: Well, they are inferior to us in every way. Then again, they just logged on not too long ago.

Kureha: That would make sense. Still will be strange to see people like us.

Rain: Well, some of us don't have counterparts.

Premiere: Affirmative.

Devil: That's okay. When they get here, let's show them who's the better group.

Zeliska: Totally us hands down.

3rd Person POV

The group from SAO arrived and saw the GGO group. The two groups stood silent as they sized each other up.

Sinon (GGO): Can I go ahead and say that I'm not impressed?

Sinon (SAO): What's that supposed to mean?

Sinon (GGO): What do you think?

The fights then began. Each counterpart has something to pick with the other.

Lisbeth (SAO): I'm a pretty good blacksmith.

Lisbeth (GGO): I did the whole blacksmith many times. I am here as well. But I deal with other weapons such as guns. I guess that makes me superior to you!

Lisbeth (SAO): That doesn't mean anything!

Yui (SAO): My daddy is better than yours.

Yui (GGO): Is not! Your daddy is crazy!

Yui (SAO): Take that back!

Klein (GGO): I think it's plain to see who's the more manly of us.

Klein (SAO): I agree.

Klein (GGO)/ Klein (SAO): It's totally me! WHAT!

Kirito (GGO): I'm the best here. In your world, you're second best.

Kirito (SAO): Doesn't Devil have a higher bounty than you? You're second best too!

Asuna (SAO): How could you fall in love with Kirito?

Asuna (GGO): Kirito is my everything!

Asuna (SAO): You need to rethink your life choices. Why did you settle for second best?

Silica (SAO): Why is everyone fighting?

Silica (GGO): I don't know. My question is how are our Pinas going to know which one of us is which.

Yuuki (GGO): It's kind of neat to meet my twin.

Yuuki (SAO): Want to have a duel some time?

Yuuki (GGO): Sure!

Sinon (GGO): I like your outfit.

Sinon (SAO): Thank you. I like yours.

Argo (SAO): I'm best at what I do.

Argo (GGO): You wish.

Kureha: My best friend is better than yours!

Koharu: Your best friend has nothing on mine!

Meanwhile, Angel walks over to where Zeliska, Philia, Premiere, Seven, Yuna, Strea, Daisy, and Rain are standing in a corner.

Zeliska: Hello, Rei. Welcome to the corner of people who have no counterparts.

Angel: It's strange. Why can't they just accept we're superior?

Philia: No one likes to accept that they're second best.

Yuna: Still, though, it is entertaining to watch.

Rain: And our boyfriend and their boyfriend are just sitting back and watching everything.

Devil: This is going better than I thought.

Maverick: Yeah. I was suspecting bloodshed.

Devil: Want to change it up?

Maverick: Sure.

Devil and Maverick both pull out a handgun and point it at each other. This causes each counterpart to point a weapon at their respective counterpart. All of the GGO girls with no counterparts all pointed their weapons at Kirito (SAO).

Kirito (SAO): Why are you aiming at me? Shouldn't you be aiming at Maverick?

Daisy: The weak die first.

The room is silent as everyone is held at gun point.

Devil: Are you as disappointed as I am?

Maverick: A little.

Devil and Maverick lower their weapons and everyone else does the same.

Maverick: I can definitely see that your group is out of our league.

Koharu: Don't say that, Maverick! We can take them!

Kureha: Yeah. Maybe in a year so.

Devil: This was fun. Let's do this again sometime but not as violent.

Maverick: Sure. Come on, guys. We're leaving.

The SAO group leaves. The GGO group watches as they leave. Once they left, they all had smiles on their faces.

Devil: We're totally the better squad.

Zeliska: Well, we do outnumber them. So of course we are.

Devil: Okay. I guess we go back to normal? I'm going to grind through Devil's Cave. Anyone want to come?

Everyone in Devil's harem raises their hand.

Devil: I can only take three of you. You girls decide it amongst yourselves.

All of the girls start a large game of rock, paper, scissors.

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