Chapter 5

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I used to think that I am lucky... but the things that happened to me before make me realized that the gods must only be pitying me. One of those days had me think to just end my life, so no one would be in trouble because of me anymore... so no one would feel in charge of pitying me anymore...


"What happened? How's the wound's hemorrhage?"

"Stab wound, Class II. It didn't stop even after I put direct pressure. Prepare hemostasis (a process to control bleeding) right away. There's no sign of infection but keep observing. She lost consciousness after she was hit on her head, we'll perform a skull x-ray, too."


I was in the hospital again, I supposed.

"I don't think that's necessary, Dr. Biermann. We don't know if she really fractured her head."


"I wouldn't instruct you to examine if I knew, Dr. Chen. We're doing X-rays because we don't know, that's its function. Please don't prove that you're just able to work in this hospital because your father is the president."

I wanted to say something....

To ask....

To make them stop....


I couldn't move...

I felt so weak.... I've always been.

"Everything's gonna be okay. Can you hear me, Blair?"

I wanted to answer....

But I suddenly fell ... asleep....

I slowly opened my eyes....

Adjusting them from the brightness....

"Ma'am? You're awake!"

My secretary pressed a button hastily then held my hand so tight. "How are you feeling?"

I heard footsteps coming in my room.

Hope and Love, Hope in Love (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang