Finally, Alexa stops as she looks at us, then the other girl's eyes following us. "Good morning, guys!" She says in a very chipper voice and it made me wanna punch her in the throat. I'm definitely not a morning person and she was just proving why I wasn't.

I stare in shock, still. How the hell did they get in the house? "Uh..." I start as I look up at Theo who just shrugged and had such a confused look on his face.

"How did you guys get in the house?" I finally question as I flicker my orbs to all of them. They all stare at me with different expressions. Tara's is disgust, Callie's is confusion, Katherine looks like she's about to stab someone, and Alexa's is pure happiness. But I could see the fake all behind it.

"Scott said he would leave the back door open so we could come in today. Since you guys were so nice to us we thought we would make you guys breakfast." She says still in a loud chipper voice. I wince at her voice and how high pitched it was.

"Is that okay?" She questions but before I could answer, Theo put a hand on my shoulder and beat me to it.

"Oh, sure. Thanks." He says and I look at him with annoyance and confusion. What if these girls were secretly werewolf hunters, trying to kill us and put wolfsbane in our food. Then once we eat it we all die, except for Lydia, Stiles, and Mason.

"Okay! Well come sit and some of the food will be done in a couple minutes." She says as she motions to one of the counter stools.

Theo sighs as he looks down at me and can basically read what I'm thinking. He just nods and grabs my hand and drags me over to the chairs. He sits down and does the same thing like he did last night. He gripped me onto his lap as he rested his hands on my thighs. I would love this seating position except for the 4 girls standing in our kitchen that we barely know.

"You guys woke us up," I grumble out at Tara looks at me with fake sorry eyes.

"Sorry, girly. We didn't know we were being that loud." She says as she walks behind us so she could probably get to the pantry.

I feel her presence behind us as she gasps. I can feel Theo tense and winces as I look behind him and see Tara right behind him, tracing her fingers over the scratch marks he had dragging down his back.

I admit, last night got a little rough but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Besides he would be able to heal. Hell, if I didn't have the ability to heal, my body would be covered head to toe in hickies.

But her fingers shouldn't be anywhere on his body. "Jesus, T what happened to your back?" She asks and I lightly growl but he grips onto my thighs a little tighter and turns around so she wouldn't be able to touch him anymore.

"Oh, um..." he says as he tries to think of something. "Football, from yesterday. Scott gets rough with the ball." He stammers out as I roll my eyes and lean into his chest and lay my head down on it.

The girl then quickly nods her head and goes back to the stove, where her other friends were talking. "Next time, you're wearing a shirt when you come down here," I grumble, clearly in a mood. He nods and kisses the top of my forehead.

Whenever he can sense I'm in a mood he tends to get more touchy-feely. He tries to put me in a better mood, but also tries to not push me. But if I ask for space he'll give me it. Clearly yesterday was a bad example of him realizing I was in a bad mood.

"Okay, pancakes and eggs," Alexa says as she slides us two plates filled with food. I look in disgust and sit up in Theo's lap.

"Uh, I'm vegan." I lie as I push one of the plates away, still very cautious. Theo looks down at me and gives me a glare as he knows that I'm really not.

Comatose (Theo Raeken)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα