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We approached to the doors, they looked pretty sturdy, they were made like stone or something. We entered and I saw that there was a group of people there, waiting for us, others were harvesting, others on the shooting range, it was a camp with quite a few people. One of the people who is waiting for us, is a man, gray hair, beard, and I see that he sees me with a serious face.

- Welcome to the white team. -the subject tells me-. Good work, Derlan. Complications?

- Damn Rundrids, Treg included, I injected him with the sedative and we were able to get these cute toys back," says Derlan as he gives him the bow and machete.

- Well done.

- We also met one of the big guys, he was injured in orange and didn't come with company so I was able to take care of him. I brought the eyes.

- Excellent. Take them to the mailbox for the reward.

- Reward? -I ask the man in confusion.

- Blood-Hunters eyes can give supplies, can be food seeds, weapons, protection for the fort. -He answers me- I'm Pard, the captain of this team.

- I'm Steve, -I say-, I'm sorry, but I don't understand what the hell is going on here.

- We're trapped - after a big sigh -

- Trapped? Excuse me, but a few hours ago I was in my life and suddenly I'm awake in some kind of bunker, running for my life.

- Well... welcome to the club. Nobody knows why we're here; we just have the same story, we were in our daily lives and suddenly... Boom, we get shot and wake up in some kind of bunker, running for our lives.

- I mean, there's no idea what the hell is going on?

- Not quite. Go get some clean clothes at that booth with Betty and take a shower. When you're ready, come see me at the command center

I go to the booth and see that the one I assume is Betty gives me the first honest smile, was a lady in her fifties or so. As I walked, I noticed that although they all had different styles on their shirts, they were all white, I imagine that to identify the team is the most obvious.

- Betty? -I ask her.

- You must be the new recruit -she tells me with great happiness.

- Wow, first time I get any joy from this place. I'm Steve.

- It's a pleasure... Yes, the people aren't very social at first, but you'll get used to it. Here, clean clothes, tool belt and boots.

- Thank you, Betty. I'm sorry if I sound rude, but did you get shot too?

- Sadly, yes, -she answers with a great sigh-. We were going to Hawaii; I was with my daughter and grandson at the airport... Until we heard a shot, when I turned around, my daughter had taken a bullet, all I could think about was protecting my grandson, so I was his human wall, the last thing I remember is my grandson shouting "Granny".

- I'm... I'm really sorry, Betty.

- Relax, sometimes I think everything happens for a reason... These people taught me new perspectives on life, new angles, everyone has different stories, but everyone had the same fate. I help all these people so we can get out of here.

- Sounds touching, I didn't see it that way.

- Oh, by the way, are you hurt?

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