A shattered Jewel

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"So your going to confess?"mina said excitedly.
" yes I am! "You Said happily. "I have built up my courage and were going to talk later today"

It's been a month since you went and you visited ten times. Every time he asked you to stay and every time you said no. He hasn't been very desperate more patient but he has been very clingy. It's was cute but sad. Kirishima always felt lonely when you left, your were his favorite thing he loved everything about you and he was scared he would lose you.
One thing was for sure, he hated Midoryia. He had nothing personal against him but he just worried that he might hurt (y/n). Or worse take her away.

And Kirishima could not let that happen. No matter what the cost.

You stood under the Apple tree where Midoryia was supposed to meet. He shows up with his usual smile.
"Hey (y/n)" he waved. You smiled at him excitedly.
"Hello!" You beamed.
"So what is it that you needed to talk about?" he asked. You smiled shyly as you played with your shirt.
"I-i...I like you Midoryia" you said. "I've liked you for a while now your so kind and sweet and I just love your smile" she said. Midoryia scratched his neck nervously.
"(y/n) how I wish you told me sooner, I had proposed to Uraraka yesterday" he said sadly. Your heart shatters you had to stay strong it was a fifty fifty.
"O-oh I didn't know congrats" you said your voice cracking a bit. Midoryia approached you but you backed away putting a your hands up.
"N-nope if you do that I'll be more hurt"you said"I know you too well"
Midoryia starred sadly he loved you deeply but was forced into marriage with Uraraka because Uraraka's parents and his parents got along and Uraraka loved Midoryia even though he rejected her. He only did this to make his mother happy.

If there was anyone he loved in the world more than you it was his mother.

You had walked off seeming you were very heart broken you didn't care where you were going you just were stuck in your thoughts. It soon was dark and rainy and you came across kirishima's who was about to fly off when he saw you.
"Oh (y/n)! I didn't see you there"he smiled. You looked up at him sadly.
" Hey what's wrong? "He asks lowering his face. You looked away as you nervously rubbed your arm. He realized that now wasn't the best time to ask especially not in the rain.
"Lets get out of the rain and then we'll talk okay?" he said. You nodded. Kirishima spread a wing out so the rain would stop pouring on his Precious treasure. You walked beside him you were now cold. And you sneezed which Kirishima found adorable.
"Bless you" he said.
"Thank you" you responded quietly.
"My pleaser"he says softly

When they arrived you were still pretty wet and it was quite uncomfortable.
"Kirishima i-"
"I have some clothing -"
"Why?" you asked curiously.
"Some of the things I find are clothes and I normally burn them up but I haven't been lately good thing I didn't" he said. As he gave you a simple but cute outfit that was very comfortable.
He waited for you patiently to changes. You looked at him nervously.
" I-i'm still wet"
"Oh here" he said as he blew gently but it was still strong. His breath surprisingly smelled like mint chocolate with chestnut and rosemary with the fresh smell of wood burning. Once you were dry you looked at your clothes nervously then Kirishima who looked confused.
"Do you not know how to put clothes on?" he asked.
"N-no!It's not that at all, I-i just d-don't want you to look"you said quickly. Kirishima realized that and nods as he turns around and began to play with some coins.
Once you finished you looked at your reflection through a giant golden plate.

 Once you finished you looked at your reflection through a giant golden plate

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