Karna and Arjun attacking Snakes with thier Arrows

Karna- Bheem Protect the citizens

Bheem- As you say jyshat

Karna- Go protect Draupadi and Vrishali

Yudisther- Jyshat watch out

Snakes attack Vrishali Draupadi

Draupadi- jiji

Draupadi takes out a sword and kill the snake

Draupadi- jiji are you alright

Vrishali- Yes

Vrishali also picks sword and they both start protecting the citizens but the Snakes poissend the citizen and return to Takshak

Karna are you alright everyone Yes but the Snakes poisend the citizens

Karna- Nakul Shadev check them

Nakul- jyshat they poisend by Mayavi snakes and only they can take poison back

Karna- We have to defeat Takshak we have to save the citizens we have to burn this forest

Yudisther- But jyshat Takshak has protection of Lord Indra and he is Arjun's father

Karna- Arjun are you ready

Arjun- Yes jyshat

Arjun fires Agniastra on Khandavprastha forest

Takshak- After leaving so much good year with me in this forest you are leaving me

Ashwamedh- jyshat we have to leave

Takshak- Ashwamedh I have protection of lord Indra save me and my forest

Suddenly lord Indra appears everyone was shocked

Arjun- Parnipat Lord Indra

Indra- My son Arjun recall your Astra and leave this place

Arjun- I can't

Indra- You don't know that the Snakes of this forest has my protection

Arjun- The Snakes of this forest poisend normal humans and protecting them will be Adharma

Indra- Arjun you are just a kid in front of me

Arjun- I am your son Lord Indra and father always guide his son

Indra- I don't want to attack you

Indra- I don't want to attack you

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