Chapter Twenty-Five

Depuis le début

"So it is my fault. I already thought you didn't like me, but it's clear now why that is. Because I took your prince from you. Well, guess what! You'll never get him back!" I yelled as I pulled as hard as I could on my bonds. No matter how upset he might have been, he had taken me away from the only person I had ever loved, Nakiirn.

Taisei growled. The low, deep rumble was akin to the same sound I'd heard from Nakiirn when he'd taken his true form. Taisei lashed out. The armor of his gloves cut across my face as he backhanded me. "I will gladly end that pathetic life of yours. And his next. Including the little whelps that you sired with him. Keep your mouth shut otherwise," Taisei said, the words sharp and low in his throat. The threat was full of malice. A malice I knew he wouldn't hesitate on acting on.

Whipping my head back to face him, I gave him a glare. "If you tried, Nakiirn would kill you. Are you-" I started but stopped myself as I realised then that if Taisei were to kill me, Nakiirn would die with me. Shock flooded me as I looked up at Taisei. I turned my face away from him sharply, I had to let it go. I couldn't risk Nakiirn dying.

Taisie snorted at me out of disgust. "It finally hits you. Your smart mouth. You're wild actions. Your disregard for all of this! Finally catching up to you. I know Nakiirn would attempt to kill me. And I welcome it for what it is. But you still don't understand. Not a damn thing about this war. What it's taken from all of us. And I tire of you. Even should I explain it, it's likely you wouldn't care. I bet you would speak differently should I have had the foresight to snatch one of your precious little ones to come along for the ride," he retorted.

"Don't you dare! They have done nothing to you. And I don't care about your explanations! Yes, I know nothing of this war. But you don't know your prince. I do. And even if I got in your way, he cares about what happened to all the dragons who gave their lives. So get exasperated with me all you want, because you'll never win. Whatever it is you're trying to prove." I shot at him. I'm sure I would have been fine had he not mentioned our kids. But he had, and that had only added to my anger.

"Little wretch," Taisei growled yet again. He moved forward, draconic filling his chest and the first burst of his shout hit me hard. It stole my breath, knocked me flat on my back, and tore through me like a knife. It was painful. Far more painful than I'd thought it would be. Afterall, I'd never taken a shout like that full on before. No one had directed it at me. He was the first. He might have continued, except for a sound beyond the wall taking his attention, and what little of mine I could muster around the pain.

He left me there, gasping and trying to push aside the awful feeling of being torn apart. Turning, Taisei gripped the lever for the gates and yanked it down. The doors cracked, then swung open. A few seconds after they parted, a rush of dragons swarmed through. Their armor was of darker colors than that of Natirien's castle guard and the men that always walked around the halls of the palace.

These were the dragons that Taisei had warned them about. The dragons that Nakiirn and his men were fighting against. They looked scary enough, weapons drawn and fully armored. Wickedly armored -black spikes and thick coverings that glittered in the fading sunlight like onyx. Their blades were just as dark in color and just as intimidating. They rushed the yard, made quick work of a few guards that had come from the front doors just as the gates opened, and continued on. It was quick. Far too quick.

It worried me too much, but at that moment, there was nothing I could do. Even if I wanted to make my way back to Nakiirn and our children. There was nothing I could do...

After a moment, I felt like I was able to move again. And trying slowly, I managed to pull myself up onto my knees. Looking around frantically, I tried to find some way of getting out. There wasn't much as I could only see the gates and some bushes. Looking back to Taisei, I saw he was a little preoccupied, so that gave me a moment to escape. Only a moment though.

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