Chapter 13. I'm Not What You Think I Am

Start from the beginning

"I'm so fucking scared, Carla." He mumbled inhaling my scent.

I tried to pull back a bit to ask him why he was scared but he didn't let me go.

"Let me hold you for a while. Just a bit. Please. I could really use your hugs right now." His voice practically begged me and that broke my already broken heart.

You thought you got over him, Carla. Jokes on you. You never did.

The bitter-sweet truth settled in my gut but I brushed it off for now.

The next few minutes passed by with Anthony holding me close---my arms wrapped around his torso, his face snuggled between the crook of my neck and me seated on his lap.

When he reluctantly pulled back after a while, I stared at him intending to ask him what was wrong but he beat me to it.

"I found out something." Anthony's piercing brown eyes gazed at me and fixed in an intense stare.

"Okay...." I drawled, motioning for him to continue.

He looked away at a distance breaking the eye contact, "I'm not what you think I am."


"I'm not just an alpha wolf. I'm what Noah is." he sighed.

"What do you mean, Anthony?" I tilted my head to the side, looking at him quizzically.

"I'm a Lycan/ demonic witch hybrid as well, Carla. I'm an ancient." He replied finally, looking forlorn.

"How..." I was short of words.

He was an ancient? A unique hybrid like Noah we never even knew existed until today. Was that why he got terrified when he saw Noah using his powers? Did he feel threatened that now everyone will know that the ancients existed? But most of all, how is that even possible?

"Would you believe me if I said I never knew I was an ancient hybrid? That I still don't know how I am who I am." There was a bitterness in his voice when he said it and I didn't question him on this one.

He was speaking the truth. I knew Anthony enough to know when he used that tone.

"But that isn't it," he avoided any eye contact and stared up at the ceiling before exhaling a long sigh.

"It isn't?"

"I...." His eyes connected with mine again as he looked back at me and I could see the insecurities lurking behind them,

"I think Noah is my son."

Wait what?!


Unknown Person's POV

"How could you let the child slip out of your hands, you dimwit!" I growled at the pesky excuse of a man in front of me as my blood boiled in fuming rage.

These morons couldn't even keep a seven-years-old captive! How the Hell am I supposed to trust them to capture that damn forsaken Alpha.

"B-but...M-Master...t-there was a person who c-came out of nowhere and massacred the w-whole place and took away the girl and the boy." He stuttered, avoiding any eye-contact, "I-I escaped before he c-could get to me."

How could I be so stupid to make this  idiot the Ancient Rogue's leader. I lost a hell lot of those ancient wolves 'cause of this dumb moron. Who was this person that was able to kill those ancients anyways?

Wait a second!

"You mentioned there was a girl too. Who's that?" I asked raising an immaculate brow at him, suddenly too curious to know.

The middle aged man went visibly pale at the question and looked like he would piss his pants.


"Who?!" I demanded, my voice booming as he fell into a daze at the compulsion lacing in my voice.

Sometimes, compulsion did come in handy. I'm glad I stole this gift from one of those ancient vamps. It doesn't always work though. Atleast, not on certain people. . . .unless they're in my territory.

"Princess Carla Rodriguez." The Rogue leader replied robotically getting me out of my reverie.

My blood ran cold at the mention of that name and I stood up from the throne I was sitting and grabbed the rogue leader by his neck.

"How dare you touch her?" I gritted out angrily, "Do you know who she is? She's a royal, you dimwit! What if the royals get to know about us and hunt us down 'cause of your stupidity?!"

He thrashed beneath my hold on his neck trying to be free but I held him on a tight leesh. The idiot was not getting away with this.

His body continued to thrash violently while he muttered apologies as I tightened my grip on him more before he finally gave up on his attempts and his body went limp. The man's corpse landed on the cemented floor with a loud thud after I twisted his neck and released my hold on him.

A sardonic smile grew on my lip as I kicked the man out of the path and gestured my clumsy assistant to come over.

Jayson, my assistant, walked towards me with nervous steps as he pushed the glasses laying low on his nose back up to his eyes.

"Yes, Master?" He asked, gulping a lump.

"Prepare the wolves. We have a princess to get." With that, I dismissed him and the other few wolves in the court room with a wave of my hand.

I was alone now in the entirety of the courtroom. A slow grin etched onto my face.


It's time you come to me, my princess.
I shall keep you forever.


An added Part to the chapter.
Who do you think this mysterious 'Master' is?🧐

Surprise! Surprise!

Is Noah Anthony's son or not? You'll know in the next few chapters;)

I know most of you must be confused about what's happening but the confusion will be sorted out in the upcoming 2-3 chapters.

Also, I know this is a super short chapter:(
I initially added a Rogue's POV to the chapter as well which got deleted somehow and now I'm too lazy to write that again. So, I'll add it in the next chapter instead.

Hopefully, next update on Monday!

Bubye, for now^.^
Have a nice day:)

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