The Beating Heart

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"I don't know how I'm going to get used to calling you lieutenant," I mention as Kelly drives me home, "I need to ask Gabby how she does it," I add.

"Does what?" Kelly asks, "how she manages to be professional around Casey," I answer. "Shouldn't be too hard," Kelly shrugs, "I mean we are just friends now," he reminds me.

"I know" I nod, "but you don't think it's a little bit weird with everything we have almost done?" I question, wondering if I am just over-thinking as he just shrugs. "I never used to cross the line with authority" I continue, "made sure to never get too personal" I add, "so thanks for making me break that rule" I joke.

"Not my fault that you can't resist me" he teases.

"You know I was thinking about that," I say as he pulls into my driveway. "I was thinking that maybe we just need to have a one night stand and then I will completely forget about you" I mention as Kelly looks over, confused as to what I was suggesting or pretending to suggest.

"Are you being serious?" He questions, slight hope in his voice, "of course not" I smirk, "we are just friends silly" I wink before getting out of the car.

"You know it's not nice to tease people" he comments as I wave him goodbye ready to go inside.

I can hear his phone ring in the distance but I think nothing of it, turning my key in the lock.

"Olivia!" He calls me back as I turn around confused at the urgency in his voice.

"Yes?" I yell back, "get back in the car, we need to go!" He demands. "I'm really tired-" I start, "Hermann has been stabbed by Freddie!" He yells and before he even finishes the sentence, I rush into the passenger seat as he drives back to Molly's.

Since when did this happen?

We left Molly's not even 20 minutes ago.

"He's okay, right?" I question, "please tell me he's okay because I don't even want to think that he isn't" I plead.

"I don't know" he honestly replies, speeding to Molly's.

We get there just in time to see them wheeling Hermann into an ambulance and Gabby jumping into the backseat with him.

I only saw a glimpse but his eyes were open and he was moving which means he is thankfully alive.

"Hey Cruz" Kelly walks up, looking to start a fight, "where's your little friend Freddie?" He questions as I rush to follow, wanting to calm him down.

"Severide don't" Otis warns, noticing how distraught Cruz is about the whole situation already.

"You gonna help the cops find him?" Kelly ignores Otis. "Okay, let's calm down" I whisper to Kelly as I step in between Cruz and him. "I'm gonna tell them everything I know" Cruz states.

"They'll find him" Cruz adds.

"Hey" I wrap my arm around Cruz, pulling him into a hug. Knowing that he must be blaming himself for the whole situation. "It's not your fault" I assure him as he squeezes me tighter, "it's Freddie's fault" I state. "He is the only one to blame" I add, wanting Cruz to know that this isn't his fault, he couldn't have known.

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