Let It Burn

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Modern Day.

"Okay get up lazy" Jess hits me with a pillow, "you are starting your first day of work today" she continues to hit me. I ignore her, burying my head deeper into my pillow.

"Is she still not waking up?" I can hear Ryan's voice walking into my room.

"No" Jess sighs, "and I have tried everything" she states.

"Have you tried this?" Ryan asks as I brace myself for whatever he is planning on doing. I nearly fall out of bed when they start bouncing on my bed.

Guess that is what he was planning on doing.

"Okay, I'm awake" I huff, sitting up and stretching.

"Today is your first day!" Ryan cheers as he sits next to me, "are you excited?" Jess questions, sitting on the other side of me.

"I mean sure" I shrug.

"Oh come on" Ryan nudges me, "you have been waiting for this day for so long" he states, "it's all you have been talking about for these past two months" he comments, "well that and he who shall not be named" Jess chimes in.

"I am excited" I state, "it's just that I had a dream about Jesse last night" I admit.

"What about?" Jess asks.

"Well more like a memory than a dream" I correct myself, "I just kept going over him leaving again and again" I tell them, "each time trying something different to get him to stay" I explain, "but he never does" I sigh.

"Listen here Liv" Ryan places me head on his shoulder and Jess leans against my shoulder, "we are so sorry you went through that and we couldn't be there for you" he starts, "but you need to leave that in Ohio" he adds.

"You are in Chicago now" Jess jumps in, "when I tell you that this city has given me and Ryan so much, I mean it" she assures me.

"Thank you for letting me come live with you guys" I say, holding each of their hands.

"Oh what type of best friends would we be if we didn't?" Jess comments.

"I know these months have been really hard on you" Ryan mentions, "but today is your first day as a real firefighter" he reminds me, "at least focus on that" he suggests.

"You're right" I sit back up.

"I have been waiting for this for so long" I state, "I mean I gave up my engagement for this" I add, "I need to at least enjoy it" I continue.

"Exactly!" Jess exclaims.

"And just remember that we are here for you" she reminds me, "every step of the way, you can lean on us" she refers to her and Ryan.

"I love you guys" I wrap my arms around them, squeezing them tight until they start to jokingly groan in pain.

"Now get out of my room so I can get ready" I instruct.

"Okay bossy" Ryan comments as they stand up, "that's the Olivia I know" he teases as they leave, closing the door behind them.

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