Announcements and Backgrounds

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Me: HEY GUYS! I'm so sorry for the people who were reading my Tododeku book and were really interested in it! I just lost inspiration on it and my mind drew blank when I tried making a new chapter! I'm so sorry! *Bows at readers who wanted to read the book* But it will start up again soon, I promise!

But I promise you that I won't toss this book out the window, I'll try my hardest to put my mind and soul into it! *Determination increases* Anyways, a quick reminder for all of you before we begin! I do not own Yugioh or any of the characters, please don't copy or repost my hard work without my absolute permission, all images shown belong to their rightful owners, this is for entertainment purposes only and chapters will not be posted daily because of online school and Corona. Got it? Got it. Anyways, now that that's out of the way, I can go into a new thing that I have not done. PLOT TWIST! JK.

I will explain what Seto and Joey will look like and their backgrounds for this AU since a few of you might be confused right now! I'll try my best to simplify them to the best of my ability. 

Okay, so Joey is an omega golden-colored werewolf with a fluffy set of blonde ears and matching bushy tail. The tail reached all the way to the floor and has a white tip, like a messy paintbrush. He has sharp fangs in his mouth and his eyes have a tint of red in them to make a sort of burgundy brown color. His hair is stained a bit with blood and dirt and he sheds a bit. His gear or outfit is a green jacket with a fuzzy, beige fluff on the hood. A black shirt sits under the jacket, though three long gashes on the shirt reveal his masculine chest and upper body a bit. He has torn black jeans and midnight black combat boots. Bandages cover his wrists and further up his arm to cover bruises and scars. A red neckpiece, like a collar but thicker, circles around his neck. It covers the cuts and scars on his neck, along with the rest of his body. His jacket was a gift from his departed mother at a very young age, who got killed in a tragic accident while in a hunt. He's never taken it off. She was so brutally massacred, that her face was almost unrecognizable when her corpse was found in a river. The monsters nearby said that it was a vampire who attacked the group because the forest animals were being chased away by them. This traumatized the mutt and scarred him for life. Jonouchi is always confident and trustworthy on the outside, but he is mentally unstable on the inside from his childhood and can easily snap at any moment if angered. His claws can retract from his fingers and he can transform into a golden wolf. He is the only golden wolf left in his pack because his father died in a fight with a vampire, causing him to have a small fear of the blood-suckers. He is very friendly, lazy, slightly naive, and is very lovable for a bottom. His ears and tail are sensitive to touch and he is a tsundere to many people, even his friends. He's lived his whole life never leaving the den of their home or the territory around it. He has learned the basics of hunting and surviving at a young age, but it wasn't pleasant. His father was abusive and forcefully trained him, wanting Katsuya to surpass him and become a powerful monster. He has a deep scar on his forehead under his bangs but hasn't shown anyone from the training. He's been in a few relationships before with a few girls and one guy, but no one has caught his eyes or his heart in a certain way. He's come to terms that he isn't into girls and is gay. though hasn't been completely turned on by any man yet. More characteristics will be explained later on in the book.

Seto Kaiba is the inheritor or heir to the vampire throne for the blood-sucking population, though he doesn't want the responsibility. He doesn't like the idea of drinking human blood just to survive. When he flees from home, his cousin, Atem Yami Sennen, takes the throne on his absence. More on that later. He wears a black cape with a crimson interior. The collar of the cape covers his bottom half of his face in an edgy way. A red, leather vest with golden buttons covers his chest. A handkerchief of sorts hands on his neck over the vest. He wears a long-sleeve white blouse under the vest with the sleeves ruffled out tightly on his wrists. White gloves cover his slim hands. A black pair of leather pants cover his lower limbs along with tall, black, and crimson laced boots. His eyes are a hard, azure with light blue edges. He doesn't like anyone to know, but he has a pendant, and inside is a picture of his cousin, Yami. They had a close bond growing up. Urban legends aside, he isn't allergic to garlic and iron needles and stuff like that, though sunlight will do major injury to him, inside his body and out. He can survive in the sunlight for a solid 10 minutes, but any longer and he'll turn to ash and die. To make it easier to seek shelter, and if his shelter is too far away, he can transform into a rare white bat and fly to a shelter; his body still burns and it's easier to burn in the small body, but he's more agile that way and it hides him from big predators. He has super strength and super speed to help him get to one place to another. His fangs from his teeth are retractable and only appear when he attacks or does it by will, though strength is needed to withdraw them. When he escaped the castle, he left and hid in a cave behind a thick wall of trees a few yards behind the castle. Guards are still looking for him throughout the story, but they aren't a key part of the storyline. Kaiba lives off of the blood of animals in the wilderness until meeting Jonouchi. He is a very cold-hearted and unreasonable man and doesn't take to likely into being in a relationship with anyone. He is bisexual but thinks he is straight because of his stubborn behavior. Again, more characteristics will be explained later on in the book. 

Phew! That took a while! The first chapter will come out maybe today or early tomorrow from when I post this, depending on my schedule and school. Though, once summer break begins, I'll be shooting chapters out like bullets if I haven't finished this book by then. I assume I will finish this book by August or a bit later if I don't delete this. And again, I won't. Anyway, that's all for this little note. I'll see ya guys in the first chapter! Please vote and add this book to your lists! It helps me a lot and gets me more inspired to write more. I'll see you later! BYE!! 

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