With new found determination, Kikyo placed a sutra in her hand, in between her fingers. Naraku upon realising what Kikyo was going to do, rushed forward but found himself unable to move. For the first time in this battle, Naraku felt fear.

Kikyo could feel her reiatsu rapidly drain. 'Is now or never,' she thought. Kikyo choose at that moment to release her hold of Naraku and instead placed another sacred arrow into her saigu-yumi, shooting it straight for Naraku. "Hit the mark!''

Naraku barely recovered himself from the miko's hold, a pure light engulfed his whole body, purifying his very  existence and leaving nothing behind. Kikyo fell to her knees, adrenaline wearing off. She was now feeling the full force of the pain from her wound. "All this caused because of this monkey paw of an object,'' Kikyo said as she gripped the shikon no tama.

"Onee-sama!" Screamed Kaede, running towards Kikyo with the rest of the villagers. "I'm so sorry, if I hadn't..."

"Kikyo-sama!" Exclaimed a villager. "Someone help me get Kikyo-sama back to the village!" The villager

"Everyone, please stay calm..." Kikyo said, fainting into the villagers arms.

"Onee-sama!" Kaede screamed again, at the sight of the unconscious miko.


Meanwhile Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had just successfully defeated the hyonekozou, using the tensaiga. Sesshomaru had deduced where the key to the whereabouts of Inutashio's graveyard. He found that he could use it to an extent but it seemed that Inuyasha could use it better than him, even if Sesshomaru was reluctant to say so.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Exclaimed Inuyash as he and Sesshomaru were making their way back to the village that Kikyo was at.

"It is no of your concern," replied Sesshomaru with a glare. Something was wrong and he couldn't place his finger on it.

"Well I tried," said Inuyasha. "Kikyo-san is always saying that you should be at least civil with a person even if you dislike them.''

"Kikyo-san..." muttered Sesshomaru. 'She better not have gotten herself into trouble,' he thought. Sesshomaru increased his speed to get to the village faster. 'You better not have died while I was away Kikyo-san. I don't know what I would do without your presence.'

"Hey! Wait for me!" Shouted Inuyasha.

Kikyo eyes slowly opened, she took in the familiar surrounding of her hut. "Am I dead?" She couldn't help but say that out loud, not noticing the daiyokai sitting near her.

"You are most certainly not," said Sesshomaru, causing Kikyo to look at him. His eyes glanced to tenseiga. "And even then you wouldn't stay dead for long. I would not allow for it." Kikyo attempted to get up but a rush of pain from her shoulder caused her to stop. "You need to rest Kikyo-san."

"Why are you here, Sesshomaru-san? I thought that you had to deal with the invading hyonekozou," told Kikyo.

"That is correct. The hyonekozou have all been defeated and the Western lands are again safe," replied Sesshomaru. "I heard that you went after Kaede with no clear plan, that was foolish of you Kikyo-san. It was a foolish move that Inuyasha would have made."

"But it all worked out in the end, did it not?" Hummed Kikyo and Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed.

"Only just," said Sesshomaru. "The stunt that you have pulled has made me very wary of leaving you on your own Kikyo-san. I'm afraid that you would pull something very Inuyasha like again."

"Your worried about me?" Stated Kikyo, a small smile placed on her lips.

"Someone has to be if you are not going to be worried about your own wellbeing. And I would rather see you alive than dead, Kikyo-san," replied Sesshomaru.

"Thank you for your concern," yawned Kikyo.

"You should rest more, Kikyo-san," said Sesshomaru. Seeing the cold Kikyo, he removed his white fur from his shoulder and wrapped it around Kikyo, being careful of her wound. "Are you warmer now?"

"Sesshomaru-san, you didn't have to do that," told Kikyo.

"You would have developed a cold on top of your injuries," replied Sesshomaru laid himself besides the miko, causing Kikyo to slightly blush.

"You really didn't have to-" Sesshomaru cut her off before she could finish speaking.

"Just rest, Kikyo-san,'' told Sesshomaru a he brought the miko closer. "If you don't rest you'll never get better.'' Kikyo let herself fall back to sleep while Sesshomaue did the same, breathing in her sent to make sure that she was still alive.

Kikyo was so frail when Sesshomaru first saw her, that was three days ago. She was slowly improving but not as fast as a yokai which bothered Sesshomaru. He didn't like seeing the miko in this state and he swore to never allow for this to happen again, and Kami-sama help the poor fools that would try and hurt his miko.

 He didn't like seeing the miko in this state and he swore to never allow for this to happen again, and Kami-sama help the poor fools that would try and hurt his miko

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