Chapter 5

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None of you had spoken since what he'd said. It kept repeating in your mind. The bad thing, though, was that memories of your past friend still haunted you too. Eventually, you noticed that 049 was falling behind slightly, so you signalled for the bug SCP to stop and called back to him.

"Are you alright?" At that, he nodded and hurried back towards you, where he continued to walk in perfect sync. He didn't seem to want to speak right now, so you turned to him.

"Hey, you know the vision you had? Can you tell me what it was of?" He seemed caught off guard by this question. That was definitely something he didn't usually do. The SCP hesitated.

"I-I..." and then then he stuttered - you were sure he wasn't too well. "Not yet."

You 'awwed' before continuing on, glancing into every room with an open door. Then suddenly, there were heavy footsteps. They came rapidly towards the hall and came to an abrupt end when you were sure they were beside you. A deep growl sounded from nearby and 049... flinched. Now I really am worried! He froze.

"(Y/N), stay near," the plague doctor stepped before you and faced whatever was there. "And, reptile, leave. Leave now!"

The SCP obviously wasn't in the mood for any long fight. The creature took one step into the dim, flickering light. That snout appeared. That snout from the chamber. This was alerting. The creature was surely stronger than everything else in here. The doctor cursed under his breath and took a step forwards, staring straight at the thing. It seemed unnerved by this, but only came closer, then closer, until its nose was millimetres from 049's mask. A scuttling sound echoed through the hall.

"Leave us alone!" SCP 049 finally lost it with this creature and grabbed something sharp from a pocket in his belt. He plunged it straight into the other SCP's nose. It burrowed deep. The lizard screeched in pain and shook its head. That only made it worse. He finally pulled it back out and stared at the lizard's wound. It shrunk into the shadows once again, and the heavy footsteps dragged away. You realised all you'd done was watch. Now, the SCP just stared at the ground. You slowly approached. The doctor's dark eyes suddenly moved and followed you.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), it's not like me..." before you knew what was going on right now with him, two warm arms wrapped around you. This was... strange. Your (E/C) eyes widened and he touched your shoulder with the tip of his mask.

"Forgive me, I beg you," he almost seemed upset right now. In forgiveness, you returned his tight grasp.

"Of course," you replied. "But, uh... I'm sorta tired..."

SCP 049 loosened you and backed away slightly, nodding, "Nearest room is this way."


Tired, you collapsed on the bed you first saw. These ones were different - built into the walls. However, you just couldn't sleep. Why is 049 so uneasy, angry.. upset? He'd also taken a bed opposite - due to someone's insistence - but had his back to you. That was definitely out of the ordinary.

It was still tough to sleep. There were too many questions. What happened to the people who worked here at the foundation? What about the other SCPs? What of your past friend, now enemy? There were no answers. Now, it was becoming hard to stay awake with your mind working so much on these things. Quietly, you closed your eyes and gave in to sleep.


You awoke to the mask of SCP 049 beside your face. He backed away slightly when he noticed your eyes, but still watched.

"Interesting, human beings sleep... strangely," he muttered. Much better, you smiled, this is the doctor I know! You lunged out of the bed quite suddenly and hug-tackled him.

"You're back! Yes! Finally!" You screeched joyfully. 049 flinched and tried to push you off.

"Oh, (Y/N), did anyone tell you how strange you are?" He stopped trying trying to lift you off and let himself fall limp.

"Yah! I win!" You laughed, leaping back up and hopping around, somehow fueled with energy. The SCP seemed somehow scared by this change and backed away slightly.

"Okay, now I'm sorry..." You stopped at the sight of the doctor, who now was just staring. "Hehe, am I freaaaaaaky?"

"Yes, very..." he replied, and you could hear the cringe in his voice. You 'Dawww'ed and hopped towards the room's exit. "Wait, you aren't looking too good. I sense an illness within you... and you've got watery eyes." He suddenly pointed out, tilting his head slowly as if to ask if you knew what it was. You wiped your eyes and put a hand up to say 'I'm fine'.

"It's called the common cold, I'm sure you've treated someone with that..?" you questioned, but but he shook his head. Well that's helpful... you rolled your eyes and smiled, sniffling.

"So are you cold?" The doctor asked. You nodded and before you knew what was going on, you felt him pull you into a warm hug. You knew he meant well but... It was embarrassing. A few moments later, he let go. "Now are you... warm?"

"Y-Yes, thank you!" With a nervous chuckle, you sped out of the room and took a deep breath. There was silence. It was broken by a loud thump, a roar, and then loud footsteps heading your way. With a shriek of surprise, you ran back into the room and hid behind 049.

His eyes widened slightly, "Does this cold make people scared?" The steps came closer. Then he knew. Protectively wrapping his arms around you once again, the plague doctor stood his ground and waited, waited for whatever was out there to come. You didn't know, nor understand, why he just waited... There could be something life threatening out there!

Shivering, feeling endangered, you burrowed into his side, hoping for the best.

The footsteps came even nearer until....

Until they were at the doorway.

And then they came so close...

That they were in the room.

You looked out to see...


Hehe, leaving it on a cliffhanger because I can.


Sorry it took forever though...

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