Chapter 11

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totally didn't forget to change it from 'untitled part 17' to 'chapter 11' after publishing oop


"Why do I need to maintain a distance?" you questioned, though you knew very well that Dr. Wuulf would see 682 as a danger to you.

"The N.T.F soldiers need room to attempt to subdue SCP 682. To avoid harm to you, we need you to move aside." The woman replied, and within moments three N.T.F soldiers had entered the room, guns pointed at the lizard.

"Wait, no! You can't-" desperately searching for solutions to this problem in your mind, you let out a shout but gunshots cut you off and the beast roared. It was loud enough to cause your ears to ring for a few moments but when you recovered you knew what you'd have to do to stop this creature from suffering.

Why am I doing this? Is it even worth trusting this creature?

But already you knew what you were doing. You darted for the closest soldier, who was focused so much on the beast that he didn't see you coming. You reached for his gun, then yanked it from his grasp. He hadn't been expecting it so it made it easier to pull it from his hands. You then pointed it at him and did the only thing you properly knew to do with a gun: pulled the trigger.

The bullets pierced through the soldier's side, and he dropped. You released the trigger for a second, then watched as 682 devoured the other two easily.

Then you gazed at the bleeding body at your feet.

That was a human being you just killed.

And it wasn't even self-defence.

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