Chapter 14

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A while back I remember a reader leaving a comment about (Y/N) being quite defenceless, so I'm hoping these chapters make up for that. ;) I did make them very vulnerable when I was younger tbh.

"682, we need to get back to the doctor as soon as possible." You turned to the lizard, voice asserting some form of dominance as if speaking a threat. The beast blinked, his tongue flicking in and out of his jaws. He seemed to be contemplating something. Suddenly, he made up his mind and nodded, but this time instead of grabbing you he made an offer.

"My back..." he rasped, as if his lungs were burning like an acid dissolved them within. "Must be much... much more comfortable... than my mouth."

"Wait, you want me to ride on your back?" you enquired.

682 looked across at something else. "Yes."

Grabbing the gun, you climbed up onto his back and let your hands briefly run across the thick, hard scales that were upon his body and then onto one of the spikes protruding from this spine, which you held onto with one hand as the lizard began to move. You felt less sick being carried like this, and it was much more comfortable since you felt less at risk of being snapped in half or impaled by those sharp teeth.

"Be on the lookout." He said, and instantly you grabbed a hold of your gun with your dominant hand. "They'll be searching for me... for us."

It was no surprise, considering how they'd killed a bunch of officers.

"Did you know that... the professors planned to... put you in containment..?" he asked, and for a moment you felt betrayed.

"...They did say that I was an SCP. That's what happens to all of us, right?"

"Most of us. You are just... too human. To be contained like.... that. Most of us... we don't... eat, really. You... would require extra... care and..." 682 paused, but remained silent which you didn't expect him to do. It sounded as if he wanted to continue. But then you noticed how hollow your stomach seemed, and it growled coincidentally at that thought.

That was when gunshots rang out and pain pierced your shoulder. The clothing had been torn slightly there, and it looked like a bullet had grazed you. It hurt a lot despite not coming into contact with you directly. You jumped off the reptile so you wouldn't get hurt from the thrashing and sharp movements 682 made whilst murdering the people. You began to shoot. Not being an expert in the use of guns, you didn't land too many shots. As the last officer fell, a bullet came straight at you. Agony ripped through the same shoulder that had been grazed, and in pain you found yourself upon the ground, tears spilling from the sheer pain of it all.

"682, we need to get to the doctor." You hissed.

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