Cosy nights with reece

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we are a little bit older than 16/

I came home to find my blonde haired northern lying on the couch half asleep, I had been at work all day and he was at the studio. It was December so the weather outside was amazing but freezing so when I got home my hands were freezing. I went and put my cold hands on his bare chest and he jumped up and grabbed my hands.

"Omg women don't do that" he said in his cute accent, I just kissed his nose and walked away to go put pj's on since it was late.

I came downstairs to see he had put the fire on, got his endless supply of Nutella and reeses pieces and had put them on the couch with a big fluffy blanket. He was sitting on his phone waiting for me to come downstairs and he didn't see me looking at him, he looked like an angel with the glow of the Christmas tree lights on his skin.

I walked in the living room and he looked up and put his phone down. I walked in front of him and he grabbed my waist so I was sitting on his lap and kissed my neck.

"I missed you so much today princess"

"I missed you too my little pop star" I whispered to him.

He sat with his legs across the sofa and I lay in between them and had my head on his chest. He played elf the movie he had picked and we lay like that while we ate Nutella and reeses pieces.

Towards the end of the movie I was starting to get really tired and I could feel my eyes closing and him being the best boyfriend he knew I was just about to fall asleep.

"Go to sleep beautiful, I love you" reece said kissing my head while he drew stuff on my back with his fingers not really paying attention to the movie anymore.

"Goodnight bibby" I said dozing off.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he said and then I feel asleep.

Reece Bibby imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now