Shirtless in hotels?

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Chapter five: Shirtless in hotels? (Avery's POV)

We had been at the airport waiting for our car for an hour. The hotel delayed the car that was supposed to come to pick us up. 

So far, so good. Not. 

"Finally," Soph shot up. We followed her out and got into the cab. "Why was there such a delay?" Soph interrogated. 

"Sorry, Ms. We had another group to pick up and there was some confusion with the cars," the driver apologized. "I'm William, I'll be your driver during your stay with us," he smiled. 

We all sighed and leaned back in our seats as he drove us to the hotel. Then we finally got there and headed right in. "We'll have your luggage sent to your rooms, have a good day," he greeted before we took our handbags and went inside. 

We reached at 11:30 pm. We should've reached a lot earlier than that. We headed to the front desk to get our room keys. I got mine first and I was on the third floor. 

"What do you mean?" Lia asked the receptionist, snapping me out of my daydream. 

"We're very sorry but all three rooms have been booked on three different floors," the guy shrugged. 

"Let's just pick, I'm tired," Sophia sighed. "I'll take the 1st floor," Sophia shrugged. 

"No, I want the first floor!" Lia argued. 

"While you two figure that out, I'm gonna go to my room," I sighed in exhaustion. I headed to the elevator and leaned against the wall, resting my eyes. It dinged open and I snapped my eyes open in confusion. 

I never pressed the button. 

I looked forward and my breath got caught in my throat. 

He tilted his head to the side and chuckled while stepping inside. "You didn't press any button," he pointed out. I cleared my throat awkwardly before pressing the button to the 3rd floor. "3rd floor? Me too," he smirked. I noticed that his trunks were wet. 

Did he go for a swim this late? 

"You just pop up wherever I go?" he smirked. 

"You just roam around shirtless in hotels?" I asked back. 

He chuckled while nodding as the elevator slowly moved up. "What're you doing here?" he asked. 

"I'm here with friends for a vacation," I huffed.

 "In Rome?" he questioned. 

"Aren't you here for the same thing?" I arched an eyebrow at him while taking my hat off and running my hand through my hair. 

"You are deadly," he chuckled while looking me dead in the eyes. The elevator opened and I got out immediately. He followed me and when I stopped at my room, he did too. 

I turned to him with an arched eyebrow. 

"I'm two doors down if you ever need anything," he smirked while walking backward before disappearing into his room. I went into my room and collapsed on my bed with a groan. 

You have got to be kidding me. 


After tons and tons of jet lag, I finally managed to get to sleep, only to wake up at three in the morning here. I groaned before standing up and going into my little balcony. I looked left to see Ryder standing in his, smoking a cigarette. I rolled my eyes before watching the beautiful view. 

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