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Chapter one: Rome? (Avery's POV)

The day was finally over. We were done with the school year. I pulled up into my driveway while Sophia and Amelia argued in the back. We were trying to come up with a location to go for a girls' trip this summer. We'd been friends forever and never traveled out of the country together and decided it was finally time. 

I turned the car off and turned around to watch them with amusement. 

"Paris!" Amelia shouted. 

"Paris? Paris is the city of love, we're going for a girls' trip, Lia!" Sophia reasoned. 

Fair point. 

"So? Imagine how much we could shop there and the Eiffel Tower! What's in Rome?" Lia groaned. 

I'm all down for the Eiffel Tower but I've seen it before. I went there with my parents as a kid. 

"There's art in Rome," Sophia scoffed. 

"There are museums in Paris," Lia shrugged. 

"The Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine!" Sophia countered. 

"Arc de Triomphe!" Lia countered. 

"Vatican city!" Sophia yelled. 

"Musee D'orsay!" 

I groaned, "Guys!" I yelled, making them both shut up. "Just pick," I sighed. 

"You pick," they both turned to me. 

"I've already been to one of those places," I sighed. 

"So we'll go to the other one," Lia shrugged. 

"Okay then, I've already been to Paris," I shrugged. 

"What?!" Lia whined, "No!" 

I cleared my throat while turning my car off. "You're the one that said we'll go to the one I haven't been to," I shrugged before hopping out. 

Sophia grinned in her face smugly before hopping out and following me inside. 

"We're going to go to Rome?" Lia groaned while tagging behind. 

Rome? Really? 

"Yeah, we're going to Rome," I shrugged while opening the door to my bedroom as I climbed up the stairs. 

"Let's book the flights," Sophia sighed while belly-flopping onto my bed. 

I pulled out my phone and looked through. "When and what time?" Lia asked while sitting at my desk. 

"How about the day after tomorrow?" Sophia asked while rocking her legs back and forth. 

"Eight pm?" I asked while scrolling through the other times available for that date. 

"Sounds good," they said in sync. "There's one seat that's not anywhere near the other two," Lia sighed. 

Here we go. 

"I'll take it," I shrugged. 

This trip is Sophia's idea so she doesn't deserve to sit alone and if she sits with me then Lia's gonna get pissed off so I'd rather have them sit together and not have to hear them argue. 

"You sure?" Sophia asked. 

"Yeah, I'll take it. I don't mind," I shrugged. I booked that seat for myself and finished the payment while they did theirs. 

"We're going to Rome!" Sophia squealed while standing up and hugging me tightly. 

I laughed while looking at Lia. "Come on," I waved her over. 

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