" True, but I wanted to be here in person to thank you for the great heroics you pulled off just days ago. You quite possibly saved the entire realm with your deeds." Hathor beamed. " You don't seem to be too happy with yourself though, and I know why. What I don't get though is why you feel so strongly for this woman. The great warrior of Alexandria could have any woman he desired, and many of them would likely give him the time and life that he wanted. Why waste your soul here?"

" It isn't about any of that. She is probably the most amazing person I have ever met. She is the most genuine, loving woman in memphis. I want her to be mine. She is fiesty, gritty, and yet the softest under the bed linen. She is the caring woman at the end of the road passing out bread, yet the most vicious fighter in a clash by the river. I chose her because she showed me true love. I chose Tara Alhabu'." Altha'ari paused to take a breathe.

He brought his gaze back up to Hathor, who was sitting cross legged on his bed looking him in his eyes with every word. She had a bright smile on her face, and this kind of puzzled altha'ari. He wanted to continue is explanation, but figured Hathor knew the answers to literally every question she was asking him anyway.

" Do you really mean all that Altha'ari?" Another voice came.

Altha'ari looked up, shocked. That was the voice of none other than Tara Alhabu'. She was now standing in the doorway, and looking back up Altha'ari realized that once more Hathor had once again disappeared.

" Who were you talking to my love??" Tara asked shyly. " And did you really mean all of that?"

" Not important my love, but of course I did. You have become a part of me. I love you Tara." Altha'ari answered.

" And I, you Altha'ari." Tara answered.

" Wait, aren't you a bit early here Tara?" Altha'ari questioned.

" My love you forget our plans? We are to head to the palace tomorrow.

" Then why have you returned tonight?" Altha'ari wondered aloud.

" I just figured..." Tara started, but stopped and her eyes burned into Altha'ari.

" Come my love. Let us get some rest." Altha'ari smiled.

Altha'ari smiled as they lay there together. Hathor did this. She knew Tara was coming. She knew the real answer to every single question she had asked him, but wanted Tara to hear all of it from an outside perspective. She had baited Altha'ari into professing his true heart towards Tara. Tara heard this from the outside, so she knew it was the truth.

The two would embark on one last journey together. They would sneak Cleopatra across the border, and Altha'ari would finally have his chance to try and attempt to convince Tara to stay here with him. He knew it would not be easy though. Tara had spent her entire life dreaming of controlling her home city and doing good by her own people. But Altha'ari wanted to help her believe she was bigger than just politics. She deserved to have a life too, and he wanted the life she had to be spent with him.

"My love?" Altha'ari poked Tara to see if she was awake.

" I am still with you." She responded.

" Why did that creature sing a song of your parents?" What exactly happened to your family?" Altha'ari asked softly.

" Well then. I knew this would have to come up eventually." Tara started. " Well here goes. When i was a child I used to constantly follow my mother around. Wherever she went I was always trying to sneak by her side. She was a powerful woman, but not by her own right. She gained power through marriage when my fathers side of the family proposed a marriage that would ensure he gained the vast amount of land outside of memphis she had accrued, and she became a powerful political figure within memphis as a direct result of her affiliation with him. He was a brutally corrupt figure, who stole land and housing. She did right by many in contrast. I constantly followed suit, learning every little thing I could, but tensions at home were an obstacle. He was violent. After I reached around five years old his violence escalated to the point whee he would hit here nearly every night. And after I had eventually reached about eight years old he began to force himself on me." Tara paused, eyes tearing up at the very mention of the last sentence.

Altha'ari: Burning SandsWhere stories live. Discover now