Be Your Light

269 7 3

(Emotional Craig ahead)

Time Skip Third Person POV

The school year was slowly winding down. Craig found it so hard to believe how fast the school year was going by. It had never gone by this fast before, but then again, he had never had someone like Tweek to spend it with. For Tweek, this was the first time ever that he was actually successful in all of his classes. Craig had kept him grounded and focused since he knew Tweek was capable of doing well in his school work outside of music.
"Craig?" Tweek asked as they exited their last class of the day. "D-did you expect school t-to go by s-so fast?" Craig looked up at the ceiling and smiled.
"Well babe, when you have someone you love with you, it might have something to do with it" Craig smiled. They held hands as they left the school and made their way through the parking lot. As they headed to Craig's STI when they noticed a familiar orange parking standing by it.
"Kenny?" Craig called out and the orange parka responded with a hand wave. We finally got to the car and Kenny was lighting a cigarette.
"Tweekers?" I ask as we put our bags in the trunk. "Can you sit in the car please? Kenny and I have something we have to talk about" Tweek tilted his head a little then stood on his tip toes and gave me a kiss.
"O-ok Craig" he smiled and climbed into the passenger seat. I turned my attention to Kenny who was stomping on his cigarette.
"I'm guessing Kyle finally caved and told you?" I asked while resting against my car.
"Yeah" Kenny said while looking at his feet. "Look, I'm terrible sorry for what I did to him in the past. I swear I'm a better person now!" Craig just looked up into the sky and just thought.
"Tell me about the meth," he said quietly. Kenny did his best to go through his memory and told Craig how they had Tweek be a taste tester for new blends of coffee and how they even used to make him go and pick up the meth from their supplier. He also told them about when they realized what they had done that they wanted to fix their mistake.
"Keep in mind I don't know all the details, I just got them from a reliable source" Kenny said. Craig was still looking up at the sky, deep into his thoughts.
"Where did you touch him?" Craig said flatly with his eyes closed. "Just say front or back"
"Front" Kenny said, disappointed in himself. "B-but not on bare skin, he had underwear" Craig focused his attention back on Kenny, his eyes narrowing.
"And you never mentioned it or even thought about it again?" He asked. Kenny just shook his head.
"One final thing" Craig said. "What about him cutting himself"
"I found him doing it in the bathroom one day, and on that day he was being bullied particularly bad" Kenny started "he had forgotten to take his ADD medication and was twitching super badly and a few kids just beat the shit outta him. I tried to stop it....but it was useless. He ran away for a few classes and I went to the bathroom and I heard him sniffling and found him in the stall.....thats when I noticed it started"
The two guys small talked for a little bit longer, Craig not wanting to make Tweek wait any longer, and Kenny not wanting to keep all this on his mind.
"Thanks McCormick" Craig said flatly. "I'm still not sure about all this, but he seems ok with you now, so should I" Kenny thanked Craig and waved as he headed towards his truck.

Craig POV

I looked at the sky once more as Kenny walked back to his truck. This was all just so much information. I hated that Tweek had gone through so much hard shit in his life, but on the bright side that was all behind the short boy. I heard music start playing in the car and I noticed Tweek bouncing along to the beat. I smiled and slowly opened the driver door and got in. I noticed he found a few old cd's I had in my car and decided to put on in.
"W-Whats this song?" Tweek asked. I closed my eyes and listened for a moment. Man, I haven't heard this song in forever, but I was one of my favorites.
"Exploration of Space" I responded. "By Cosmic Gate." This made Tweek laugh.
"Not surprised you like it," he teased. I playfully nudge his shoulder as we back out of my space. I had to drop Tweek off at his work so I could head to his house and get more practice playing guitar.
"See you when you pick me u-up Craig" Tweek smiled as I dropped him off at work. I gave him a kiss and quickly drove to Tweeks house so I could get some more practice in.

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